Added voice recognition that launches through your systems voice reader e.g. Google. To activate click on the "Press for Voice Recognition" button at the top and try saying the following commands: Taxi Checklist, Takeoff Checklist, Approach, Shutdown.
Minor design fixes.
This wont be the final UI we are just changing it slightly at the moment, i have big plans for the UI and implementing them soon so do not worry :)
This new third party app for Infinite Flight is designed to make your Infinite Flight experience even better. Whether you are flying high in London or on a global flight from Heathrow to John F Kennedy, this app has you covered!
Select from a number of checklists including:
"Engines Running"
"Seatbelts On"
"Navigation and Beacons"
"Landing and Strobes"
"Flaps Set"
"Briefing Confirmed"
"Seatbelts On"
"Gear Down"
"Flaps Set"
"Spoilers Armed"
"Flaps Retracted"
"Spoilers Off"
"Strobe Lights Off"
"Landing Lights Off"
"Engines Shutdown"
Each checklist allows you to select different options and when you have completed that option there is a voice (UK MALE) which plays when you select that option, this is for an added bonus ;)
The Dev Team @ Infinite Checklist
This version of Infinite Checklist Lite Android App comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.
If you are looking to download other versions of Infinite Checklist Lite Android App, We have 1 version in our database. Please select one of them below to download.