Studying for the IPMA D-level exam? This App will help you build your knowledge and understanding of IPMA-D examination and will strongly help you in passing your IPMA D-level on your first try! Thousands of students have taken benefit from our approach to IPMA D-level training. One stop shopping gives you all our test questions within easy reach in this App!
• More than 500 quality questions
• Covers all exam topics in depth
• All questions in one package, no need to purchase additional packages.
Benefits of the app:
• Works without internet connectivy
• Direct and detailed feedback on your answers with references to the relevant part of the manual
• Smart navigation in trying and reviewing
• Mark difficult questions for easy retrieval
• Take as many tries as you want for each question.
People participating in IPMA training courses organized by NIMO Project Management Institute or NIMO Academy are receiving the full app for free.
This version of IPMA e Android App comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.
If you are looking to download other versions of IPMA e Android App, We have 1 version in our database. Please select one of them below to download.