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iRadio Online Indonesia APK Download for Android
iRadio Online Indonesia 1.10 Icon

iRadio Online Indonesia

Rosyid Teknologi Entertainment
30 Ratings
Nov 12, 2016
release date
5.9 MB
file size

What's New

Kini iRadio telah tersedia fitur untuk merekam siaran radio. Rekam sekarang, dengarkan lain waktu.

About iRadio Online Indonesia Android App

iRadio adalah applikasi radio online yang hadir menemani mu. Kami hadir dengan dukungan berbagai stasiun radio on-air yang ada di indonesia. Nikmati musik kesayangmu baik dangdut, POP, Rock, Reage, Campursari, Kenangan maupun Islami.

Kamu memiliki stasiun radio serta sudah memiliki stream online? ingin stasiun radiomu masuk di iRadio ?

Silahkan hubungi saja customer service kami, kami akan membantumu untuk bergabung bersama kami. Namun bila stasiun radiomu belum memiliki streaming online, gak perlu ragu dan bimbang.Kami dapat membantumu untuk installisasi radio streamer di stasiunmu dan akan kami masukkan di iRadio.

Tunggu apa lagi, raih lebih banyak pendengar melalui stream radio online hanya di iRadio.

Kamu sedang merantau? atau lagi ada di negeri seberang ? kangen gak dengan suasana di tempat asalmu? atau kamu lagi suntuk ? dengerin radio yuk ....

iRadio kini hadir untuk menemanimu menikmati musik kesukaanmu dari berbagai penjuru nusantara, dengan dukungan berbagai stasiun radio tentunya kami akan memanjakanmu dengan musik irama khas daerah dan sesuai ekspresi suasana hatimu. yuk install applikasi iRadio online...

Gak perlu ribet, tinggal install, cari putar dan be happy ... full musik, full canda dan full goyangnya ....

Daftar radio yang telah bergabung bersama kami meliputi :

- Rosyid Radio Boyolali
- Radio Karysma FM Boyolali
- Radio CJDW FM Boyolali
- Radio Hiz 101,4 FM Solo
- Radio MH FM Solo
- Radio MTA FM Solo
- Radio Solopos 103 FM
- Radio Salma FM Klaten
- Radio In 95 FM Kebumen
- Radio RGM 100,7 FM Wonogiri
- Radio H 89,6 FM Karanganyar
- Radio Purnamasidi 98 FM Wonosobo
- Radio Citra 98,8 FM Wonosobo
- Radio Radar 94,3 FM Magelang
- Radio Unimma 87,6 FM Magelang
- Radio Magelang 103,5 FM
- Radio Dian Swara 98,2 FM Purwokerto
- Radio Sonora 99,8 FM Purwokerto
- Radio Mafaza 89,6 FM Purwokerto
- Radio Fortuna 101,9 FM Purworejo
- Radio Sultan Agung Semarang
- Radio REM 107,7 FM Semarang
- Radio Redjo Buntung 99,4 FM Jogja
- Radio Jiz 89,5 FM Jogja
- Radio MBS FM Jogja
- Radio Swaragama 101.7 FM Jogja
- Radio Masdha 95 FM Jogja
- Radio Handayani 99,9 FM Jogja
- Radio Ramada 107,7 FM Jogja
- Radio Sasando 90,3 FM Jogja
- Radio Radio Q 88,3 FM Jogja
- Radio GCD 98,6 FM Jogja
- Radio Start 101,3 FM Jogja
- Radio Tidar Sakti 90,3 FM Malang
- Radio Elgangga 100,3 FM Bekasi
- Radio Gaya 93,6 FM Bekasi
- Radio M2E 88,2 FM Bekasi
- Radio GSP 106 FM Subang
- Radio Banten 95,3 FM
- Radio Ramaloka 96,5 FM Serang
- Radio Angkasa 98,9 FM Pandeglang
- Radio Paranti 105,6 FM Pandeglang
- Radio Tjandra 100,6 FM Cianjur
- Radio Rama 99,4 FM Cianjur
- Scout Radio Pramuka
- RRI Semarang
- RRI Nabire
- RRI Bandung
- RRI Solo
- RRI Aceh
- RRI Bandar Lampung

iRadio juga sedang mengoleksi radio se-Indonesia :

Radio Musi Banyuasin, Radio Sekayu, Radio Musi Rawas, Radio Ogan Komering Ilir, Radio Ogan Komering Ulu, Radio Lubuk Linggau, Radio Pagar Alam, Radio Bangka, Radio Belitung, Radio Pangkal Pinang, Radio Lampung, Radio Kota Metro, Radio Lebak, Radio Rangkasbitung, Radio Pandeglang, Radio Serang, Radio Tangerang, Radio Cilegon, Radio Jakarta, Radio Bandung, Radio Bekasi, Radio Bogor, Radio Cibinong, Radio Ciamis, Radio Cianjur, Radio Cirebon, Radio Garut, Radio Indramayu, Radio Karawang, Radio Kuningan, Radio Majalengka, Radio Sukabumi, Radio Pelabuhan Ratu, Radio Sumedang, Radio Tasikmalaya, Radio Purwakarta, Radio Subang, Radio Pangandaran, Radio Bandung, Radio Bogor, Radio Cirebon, Radio Sukabumi, Radio Bekasi, Radio Depok, Radio Cimahi, Radio Tasikmalaya, Radio Banjarnegara, Radio Banyumas, Radio Purwokerto, Radio Blora, Radio Boyolali, Radio Cepu, Radio Brebes, Radio Cilacap, Radio Demak, Radio Purwodadi, Radio Jepara, Radio Karanganyar, Radio Kebumen, Radio Kendal, Radio Klaten, Radio Kudus, Radio Magelang, Radio Pati, Radio Pekalongan, Radio Pemalang, Radio Purbalingga, Radio Purworejo, Radio Rembang, Radio Semarang, Radio Ungaran, Radio Sragen, Radio Sukoharjo, Radio Tegal, Radio SlawiiRadio is an online radio application is present to accompany you. We present you with the support of a variety of on-air radio stations that exist in Indonesia. Enjoy good music dangdut kesayangmu, POP, Rock, Reage, Campursari, Memories and Islamic.

You have radio stations and own stream online? want to get in on the iRadio your radio station?

Please contact any of our customer service, we will help you to join us. However, if your station has streaming online yet, do not need to hesitate and bimbang.Kami can help to installisasi radio streamer in your station and we will add in the iRadio.

Wait no more, reach more listeners via online radio streams only in the iRadio.

You're wandering? or else there is in the country side? do not miss the atmosphere of where you come from? or are you too late? listened to radio yuk ....

iRadio is here to accompany you to enjoy your favorite music from different parts of the archipelago, with the support of various radio stations of course we will spoil you with the rhythm of music typical of the region and the appropriate expression of your mood. yuk install iRadio online application ...

Do not need to be complicated, just install, find the play and be happy ... full of music, full of jokes and full rocking ....

List of radio that have joined with us include:

- Rosyid Radio Boyolali
- Radio FM Boyolali Karysma
- Radio FM Boyolali CJDW
- Radio FM 101.4 HIZ Solo
- MH Radio FM Solo
- Radio FM Solo MTA
- Solopos Radio 103 FM
- Radio FM Salma Klaten
- In 95 FM Radio Kebumen
- RGM Radio 100.7 FM Wonogiri
- Radio FM 89.6 H Karanganyar
- Radio 98 FM Wonosobo Purnamasidi
- Radio Citra FM 98.8 Wonosobo
- Radar Radio 94.3 FM Magelang
- Radio FM 87.6 Unimma Magelang
- Magelang Radio 103.5 FM
- Dian Swara Radio 98.2 FM Purwokerto
- Radio Sonora 99.8 FM Purwokerto
- Radio FM 89.6 Mafaza Purwokerto
- Radio Fortuna 101.9 FM Purworejo
- Radio Sultan Agung Semarang
- REM Radio 107.7 FM Semarang
- Tank Redjo Radio 99.4 FM Jogja
- Jiz Radio 89.5 FM Jogja
- Radio MBS FM Jogja
- Radio 101.7 FM Jogja Swaragama
- Radio 95 FM Jogja Masdha
- Handayani Radio 99.9 FM Jogja
- Ramada Radio 107.7 FM Jogja
- Radio 90.3 FM Jogja Sasando
- Radio Radio Q 88.3 FM Jogja
- GCD Radio 98.6 FM Jogja
- Start Radio 101.3 FM Jogja
- Radio 90.3 FM Tidar Sakti Malang
- Radio FM 100.3 Elgangga Bekasi
- Radio Style 93.6 FM Bekasi
- Radio FM 88.2 M2E Bekasi
- GSP Radio 106 FM Subang
- Banten Radio 95.3 FM
- Radio FM 96.5 Ramaloka Attack
- Space Radio 98.9 FM Pandeglang
- Radio FM 105.6 Paranti Pandeglang
- Radio FM 100.6 Tjandra Cianjur
- Rama Radio 99.4 FM Cianjur
- Scout Scout Radio
- RRI Semarang
- RRI Nabire
- RRI Bandung
- RRI Solo
- RRI Aceh
- RRI Bandar Lampung

iRadio is also being collected radio in Indonesia:

Radio Banyuasin, Radio Sekayu, Radio Musi Rawas, Radio Ogan Ogan Ilir, Radio Ogan Ogan Ulu, Radio Lubuk Linggau, Radio Pagar Alam, Radio Bangka, Radio Belitung, Radio Pangkal Pinang, Radio Lampung, Radio City Metro, Radio Lebak, Radio Rangkasbitung, Radio Pandeglang, Radio Attack, Radio Tangerang, Radio Cilegon, Radio Jakarta, Radio Bandung, Radio Bekasi, Radio Bogor, Radio Cibinong, Radio Ciamis, Radio Cianjur, Radio Cirebon, Radio Garut, Radio Indramayu, Radio Karawang, Radio Brass, Radio Majalengka, Radio Sukabumi, Radio Pelabuhan Ratu, Radio Sumedang, radio Tasikmalaya, Radio Purwakarta, Radio Subang, Radio Pangandaran, Radio Bandung, Radio Bogor, Radio Cirebon, Radio Sukabumi, Radio Bekasi, Radio Depok, Radio Cimahi, Radio Tasikmalaya, Radio Banjarnegara, Radio Banyumas, Radio Purwokerto, Radio Blora, Radio Boyolali, Radio Cepu, Radio Brebes, Radio Cilacap, Radio Demak, Radio Purwodadi, Radio Jepara, Radio Karanganyar, Radio Kebumen, radio Kendal, Radio Klaten, Radio Holy, Radio Magelang, Pati Radio, Radio Pekalongan, Pemalang Radio, Radio Purbalingga, Purworejo Radio, Radio Rembang, Semarang Radio, Radio Ungaran, Sragen Radio, Radio Sukoharjo, Tegal Radio, Radio Slawi

Other Information:

Package Name:
Requires Android:
Android 4.1+ (Jelly Bean, API 16)
Other Sources:


This version of iRadio Online Indonesia Android App comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.

(Nov 12, 2016)
Minimum OS
Android 4.1+ (Jelly Bean, API 16)
Screen DPI

Warning: Undefined array key "dp" in /home/apkapps/web/jetapk.com/public_html/template/PageApp.php on line 222
nodpi (all screens)

All Versions

If you are looking to download other versions of iRadio Online Indonesia Android App, We have 3 versions in our database. Please select one of them below to download.
