=> Bug fix.
=> Changes in user interface
=> Add more programs in c language.
=> Add more programs in cpp language.
=> Add more programs in java language.
We have tried to deliver you essential IT Programming concepts in as simpler way as possible.
We have covered following things:
1.Basic to advance programming concept of C , C++, Java, HTML,SQL and C#.
2.OOP concepts like, Object,Classes,Inheritance,Polymorphism.
3.Programs related to Strings, Reversing string/number, Number manipulations, Prime number,Swapping techniques and many more.
we have also designed simple HTML, SQL and C# programs for IT students.
This app is multi purpose, As, those who don't know about programming can learn from it and those who already know can use this app as a reference of basic concepts.
We appreciate your views about IT Program app.If your want anything to be changed or added or any other requirements, you can drop as a mail @ patel.bhavin5353@gmail.com or @ prakashgajera24@gmail.com
This version of IT Program Android App comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.
If you are looking to download other versions of IT Program Android App, We have 5 versions in our database. Please select one of them below to download.