Kamus Akika adalah kamus bahasa gaul para banci, bencong, waria di indonesia.
Bahasa gaul banci, bencong, waria sering didengar ketika mereka sedang berbincang dan bercanda.
Kadang kita bingung tentang arti dari kata-kata bahasa banci yang mereka sebutkan.
istilah-istilah dalam bahasa bencong sangat banyak dan tidak ada salahnya untuk kita ketahui.
Selain kata-kata waria didalam aplikasi kekinian ini juga terdapat tambahan ribuan kata-kata kekinian atau istilah gaul terbaru. Akika Dictionary is a dictionary of slang of the pansy, bencong, transvestites in Indonesia.
Slang pansy, bencong, transvestites often heard when they were talking and joking.
Sometimes we are confused about the meaning of words sissy language they mention.
terms in the language of bencong very much and it would not hurt for us to know.
In addition to the words of transvestites in the present application also include thousands of additional words or terms present the latest slang.
This version of Kamus Akika Android App comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.
If you are looking to download other versions of Kamus Akika Android App, We have 2 versions in our database. Please select one of them below to download.