Update Kuis Gerontik
Sebelum anda mendownload aplikasi tolong diperhatikan:
- Semua aplikasi Keperawatan M3Yapindo hanya dapat diakses oleh member M3 Keperawatan.
- Bagi yang bukan member dan berminat menjadi member dapat menghubungi bagian Administrasi (021)56967880 [ada biaya registrasi]
- Bagi yang sudah menjadi member dan ingin melakukan aktivasi dapat menghubungi bagian Technical support yang terdapat pada bagian awal aplikasi dengan format: Nama[spasi]Member ID[spasi]Nomor Serial
Konsep Dasar Keperawatan Gerontik terdiri atas 11 Bab:
1. Kondisi dan Permasalahan
2. Proses Menua
3. Masalah dan Penyakit Pada Lanjut Usia
4. Perlindungan dengan Pendekatan Sistem Tubuh
5. Kebutuhan Nutrisi Pada Lanjut Usia
6. Asuhan Keperawatan Lansia dengan Gangguan Mental
7. Rehabilitas Dasar Pada Lansia dengan Kelumpuhan
8. Asuhan Keperawatan Lansia Menghadapi Kematian
9. Asuhan Keperawatan Lansia Demensia Alzeimer
10. Asuhan Keperawatan Lansia Ditatanan Komunitas
11. Pedoman Praktis Asuhan Lansia di Panti SosialNote:
Before you download an application please note:
- All applications Nursing M3Yapindo can only be accessed by the member M3 Nursing.
- For those who are not a member and are interested in becoming a member can contact the Administration (021) 56967880 [no registration fee]
- For those who are already a member and want to do the activation can contact Technical Support located at the beginning of the application in the format: Name [space] Member ID [space] Serial Number
Basic Concepts of Nursing Gerontik consists of 11 Chapters:
1. Conditions and Problems
2. Aging Process
3. Problems and Disease in Elderly
4. Protection of the Body Systems Approach
5. Nutritional Requirements In Seniors
6. Nursing Elderly with Mental Disorders
7. On the Basic Rehabilitation Elderly with Paralysis
8. Elderly Nursing Care Of Dying
9. Nursing Elderly Dementia of Alzheimer's
10. Elderly Nursing Care Community Ditatanan
11. Practical Guidelines on Children's Social Care Elderly
This release of Keperawatan Gerontik Android App available in 2 variants. Please select the variant to download. Please read our FAQ to find out which variant is suitable for your Android device based on Screen DPI and Processor Architecture.
If you are looking to download other versions of Keperawatan Gerontik Android App, We have 1 version in our database. Please select one of them below to download.