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Kitab Bulughul Maram Indonesia APK Download for Android
Kitab Bulughul Maram Indonesia 1.0.0 Icon

Kitab Bulughul Maram Indonesia

Mulia Media Books & Reference
21 Ratings
Oct 12, 2017
release date
11.2 MB
file size

What's New

About Kitab Bulughul Maram Indonesia Android App

Aplikasi ini berupa ebook yang memuat kitab bu;lughul maram dengan bahasa indonesia.

kitab bulughul maram adalah kitab yang menjadi rujukan dari berbagai mazhab yang di Susun Oleh al-Hafizh Ibnu Hajar al-Asqalany. Kitab bulughul maram ini berisi tentang kumpulan hadits yang berkaitan dengan hukum (fiqih), yang meliputi berbagai aspek kehidupan setiap muslim.

Kitab BULUGHUL MARAM merupakan salah satu kitab klasik paling populer di Dunia Islam, terutama di kalangan Ahlussunnah wal Jamaah.

Buku ini memang berisi kumpulan hadits tentang hukum (fiqih), yang meliputi seluruh aspek kehidupan setiap muslim. Dari soal 'bersuci' sampai soal 'perkawinan', 'transaksi bisnis' dan 'jihad'.

Kitab yang sangat lengkap tema bahasanya itu tentu sangat memudahkan kaum muslimin mengamalkan aturan-aturan hukum seperti yang dijalankan oleh Rasulullah saw. dan para sahabatnya.

Bulughul Maram Terjemahan Indonesia Lengkap Berserta Arab dan Artinya.

Isi Aplikasi ini :

1. Kitab Thaharah
Bab Air-air
Bab Bejana-bejana
Bab Najis dan Cara Menghilangkannya
Bab Wudlu
Bab Mengusap Dua Khuf
Bab Yang Membatalkan Wudlu
Bab Cara Buang Air
Bab Mandi dan hukum Junub
Bab Tayammum
Bab Haidl

2. Kitab Shalat
Bab Waktu-waktu (Shalat)
Bab Adzan
Bab Syarat-syarat Shalat
Bab Sutrah Bagi Orang Yang Shalat
Bab Anjuran Khusyu Dalam Shalat
Bab Mesjid-mesjid
Bab Shifat Shalat
Bab Sujud Sahwi dan yang lainnya
Bab Shalat Thathawwu
Bab Shalat Berjama'ah dan imam
Bab Shalat Musafir dan Yang Sakit
Bab Shalat Jum'at
Bab Shalat Khauf
Bab Shalat Dua Hari Raya
Bab Shalat Gerhana
Bab Shalat Istisqa
Bab Pakaian

3. Kitab Jenazah

4. Kitab Zakat
Kitab Zakat
Bab Zakat Fitrah
Bab Shadaqah Thathawwu
Bab Pembagian Shadaqah

5. Kitab Shiyam
Bab Shaum Sunnah dan Shaum Yang Dilarang
Bab I'tikaf dan Ibadah Ramadlan

6. Kitab Haji
Bab Keutamaan Haji dan Yang Berkewajiban Haji
Bab Tentang Miqat
Bab Wajib Ihram dan Sifatnya
Bab Ihram dan Yang Berhubungan Dengannya
Bab Sifat Haji dan Masuk Kota Makkah
Bab Terlambat dan Terhalangnya Haji

7. Kitab Jual Beli
Bab Syarat-syarat dan yang Di Larang Diperjual-belikan
Bab Khiyar
Bab Riba
Bab Rukhshah Menjual Buah-buahan
Bab Salam, Qiradh, dan Gadai
Bab Taflis (Bangkrut) dan Hajr (Menyita)
Bab Perdamaian
Bab Memindahkan Hutang dan Menanggung
Bab Syirkah dan Wakalah
Bab Iqrar (Pengakuan)
Bab Ariyah
Bab Ghashab
Bab Syuf'ah
Bab Qiradh
Bab Musaqah dan Ijarah
Bab Menghidupkan Tanah Yang Mati
Bab Waqaf
Bab Hibah, Umra dan Ruqba
Bab Barang Temuan
Bab Faraidl
Bab Wasiat
Bab Barang Titipan

8. Kitab Nikah
Hadits-hadits tentang Nikah
Bab Kafa'ah dan Khiyar
Bab Pergaulan Dengan Istri
Bab Maskawin
Bab Walimah
Bab Pembagian Giliran
Bab Khulu
Bab Thalaq
Bab Rujuk
Bab Ila', Zihar dan Kafarat
Bab Sumpah Li'an
Bab Iddah dan Ihdad
Bab Penyusuan
Bab Nafaqah/Pemeliharaan

9. Kitab Urusan Pidana
Hadits-hadits tentang Pidana
Bab Denda
Bab Menuntut Darah dan Sumpah
Bab Memerangi Para Pemberontak
Bab Memerangi Para Penjahat dan Membunuh Orang Murtad

10. Kitab Hukuman
Bab Hukuman Pelaku Zina
Bab Hukuman Menuduh
Bab Hukum Pencurian
Bab Hukuman bagi Peminum dan Penjelasan tentang Minuman Yang Memabukkan
Bab Ta'zir dan Hukum Penjahat

11. Kitab Jihad
Hadits-hadits tentang Jihad
Bab Upeti dan Gencatan Senjata
Bab Berlomba dan Memanah

12. Kitab Makanan
Bab Binatang Buruan dan Sembelihan
Bab Kurban
Bab Aqiqah

13. Kitab Sumpah dan Nazar

14. Kitab Memutuskan Perkara
Bab Persaksian
Bab Dakwa dan Bukti

15. Kitab Memerdekakan Budak
Bab Mudabbar Mukatab dan Ummul Walad

16. Kitab Kelengkapan
Bab Adab
Bab Kebaikan dan Silaturrahmi
Bab Zuhud dan Wara
Bab Peringatan untuk Menghindari Kejelekan Akhlak
Bab Mendorong untuk Melakukan Kebaikan
Bab Dzikir dan Do'a

Fitur :
- Dapat Dijalankan Walaupun Tanpa Akses Internet ( Offline )
- Free Download / Gratis Download
- Dapat merubah warna backgroud Sesuai dengan Pilihan Yang ada
- Pemilihan Judul Cepat dari sisi bilah kanan
- Aplikasi Ringan (sekitar 5Mb )

Semoga BermanfaatThis application is an ebook that contains books bu; lughul maram with Indonesian.

maram Bulughul book is a book that became a reference of the various schools are in the Arrange by al-Hafizh Ibnu Hajar al-Asqalany. Book maram Bulughul it contains a collection of hadiths relating to the law (fiqh), which covers various aspects of life of every Muslim.

Book Bulugh al-Maram is one of the most popular classics in the Muslim world, especially among Ahl wal Jamaah.

This book does contain a collection of hadiths about the law (fiqh), which covers all aspects of the life of every Muslim. From about the 'purification' until about the 'marriage', 'business transactions' and 'jihad'.

Book very complete theme of language is certainly very easy for Muslims to practice law rules such as those run by the Prophet. and his companions.

Complete Indonesian translation Maram Bulughul along with Arab and Meaning.

The contents of this application:

1. The book Thaharah
Chapter Air-water
Chapter Vessel-vessel
Chapter bouquets and to eliminate
Chapter wudlu
Wiping Chapter Two Khuf
Chapter Yang Canceling wudlu
Chapter How to Toilet
Chapter Bath and legal state of impurity
Chapter Tayammum
Chapter Haidl

2. The Book of Prayers
Chapter Times (Salat)
Chapter Adhan
Chapter Terms Salah
Chapter sutrah For People Who Salah
Chapter Prompts Khusyu In Salah
Chapter Mosques
Chapter Shifat Prayer
Chapter prostration for forgetfulness and others
Chapter Salah Thathawwu
Chapter prayer congregation and the priest
Chapter Salah Musafir and The Pain
Chapter Prayer Friday
Chapter Salah Khauf
Chapter Salah Two Hari Raya
Chapter Salah Eclipse
Chapter Salah Istisqa
Chapter Clothes

3. The Book of corpse

4. The Book of Zakat
The Book of Zakat
Chapter Zakat Fitrah
Chapter Sadaqah Thathawwu
Chapter Division of Sadaqah

5. Book Shiyam
Chapter Shaum Sunnah and Shaum Prohibited
Chapter I'tikaf and Worship Ramadan

6. The Book of Hajj
Chapter Primacy and Its Obliged Haji Haji
Chapter About Miqat
Chapter Mandatory Ihram and nature
Chapter Ihram and Related With it
Chapter properties and Sign Makkah Hajj
Late chapters and obstruction of Hajj

7. Book Sale and Purchase
Chapter Terms and Di Disallow traded
Chapter khiyar
Chapter Riba
Chapter Rukhshah Sell Fruits
Chapter Regards, Qiradh, and Pawn
Chapter Taflis (Bankrupt) and Hajr (Seize)
Chapter Peace
Chapter Moving Debt and Bear
Chapter Shirkah and Wakalah
Chapter Iqrar (confession)
Chapter Ariyah
Chapter Ghashab
Chapter Syuf'ah
Chapter Qiradh
Chapter Musaqah and Ijarah
Land of The Dead Chapter Turning
Chapter Waqf
Chapter Grants, Umra and Ruqba
Chapter Item Findings
Chapter Faraidl
Chapter Wills
Chapter Goods Safekeeping

8. The Book of Marriage
Hadiths about the Nikah
Chapter kafa'ah and khiyar
Chapter Intercourse With Wife
Chapter dowry
Chapter Walimah
Chapter Division Rota
Chapter Khulu
Chapter Thalaq
Refer chapter
Chapter Ila ', zihar and expiation
Chapter Oath Jinhuang
Chapter idda and Ihdad
Chapter breastfeeding
Chapter Nafaqah / Maintenance

9. The Book of Criminal Affairs
Hadiths about the Criminal
Chapter Fines
Chapter Demanding Blood and Oath
Chapter Fighting The Rebels
Chapter Fighting The Villain and Killing Apostates

10. Punishment Book
Punishment Chapter Zina Actors
Punishment Chapter Accusing
Law Chapter Theft
Chapter penalty for drink and explanation of Intoxicating Drinks
Chapter Ta'zir and Criminal Law

11. The Book of Jihad
Hadiths about the Jihad
Chapter Tributes and Truce
Chapter Racing and Archery

12. The Book of Food
Chapter Hurry and slaughter animals
Chapter Sacrifice
Chapter Aqiqah

13. The Book of Oaths and Nazar

14. Decides Book Case
Chapter testament
Chapter arraignment and Evidence

15. The Book of Freeing Slaves
Chapter Mudabbar Mukatab and Umm Walad

16. The Book of Completeness
Chapter Adab
Chapter Goodness and Silaturrahmi
Chapter Zuhud and Wara
Chapter Warning to Avoid Ugliness Morals
Chapter Pushing for Doing Kindness
Chapter Dhikr and Du'a

- Can Run Even Without Internet Access (Offline)
- Free Download / Free Download
- to change the color of the backgroud accordance with the Existing Options
- Selection Quick Title of the right sidebar
- Lightweight Application (about 5Mb)

May be useful

Other Information:

Package Name:
Requires Android:
Android 4.1+ (Jelly Bean, API 16)
Other Sources:


This version of Kitab Bulughul Maram Indonesia Android App comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.

(Oct 12, 2017)
Minimum OS
Android 4.1+ (Jelly Bean, API 16)
Screen DPI

Warning: Undefined array key "dp" in /home/apkapps/web/jetapk.com/public_html/template/PageApp.php on line 222
nodpi (all screens)

All Versions

If you are looking to download other versions of Kitab Bulughul Maram Indonesia Android App, We have 1 version in our database. Please select one of them below to download.
