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Kitab Kuning Safinatun Najah APK Download for Android
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Kitab Kuning Safinatun Najah

Guide Studio+ Books & Reference
76 Ratings
Jul 09, 2017
release date
4.3 MB
file size

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About Kitab Kuning Safinatun Najah Android App

Kitab kuning, dalam pendidikan agama islam, merujuk kepada kitab-kitab tradisional yang berisi pelajaran-pelajaran agama islam (diraasah al-islamiyyah) yang diajarkan pada Pondok-pondok Pesantren, mulai dari fiqh, aqidah, akhlaq/tasawuf, tata bahasa arab (`ilmu nahwu dan `ilmu sharf), hadits, tafsir, `ulumul qur'aan, hingga pada ilmu sosial dan kemasyarakatan (mu`amalah). Dikenal juga dengan kitab gundul karena memang tidak memiliki harakat (fathah, kasrah, dhammah, sukun), tidak seperti kitab Al-Qur'an. Oleh sebab itu, untuk bisa membaca kitab kuning berikut arti harfiah kalimat per kalimat agar bisa dipahami secara menyeluruh, dibutuhkan waktu belajar yang relatif lama.

1. Dapat diakses saat offline
2. Sangat komplit dan lengkap
3. Terdapat penjelasan lengkap
4. Bahasa arab dan terjemahan sekaligus penjelasan
5. 7 kitab kuning
6. Terdapat isi 76 BAB dari Kitab Safinatun Najah yang sangat komplit

List Kitab Kuning :

1. Kitab Al Hikam
2. Kitab Alfiyah Ibnu Malik
3. Kitab Fatulqorib
4. Kitab Qurrotul Uyun
5. Kitab Riyadhus Sholihin
6. Safinatun Najah
7. Kitab Ta'lim Muta'alim

Untuk lebih detail lagi, kitab kuning dapat didefinisikan dengan tiga pengertian:
- Pertama, kitab yang ditulis oleh ulama-ulama asing, tetapi secara turun-temurun menjadi referensi yang dipedomani oleh para ulama Indonesia.
- Kedua, ditulis oleh ulama Indonesia sebagai karya tulis yang independen.
- Dan ketiga, ditulis ulama Indonesia sebagai komentar atau terjemahan atas kitab karya ulama asing.
Dalam tradisi intelektual Islam, khususnya di Timur Tengah, dikenal dua istilah untuk menyebut kategori karya-karya ilmiah berdasarkan kurun atau format penulisannya.

Daftar Isi:
1. Teks Arab
2. Mukaddimah
3. Rukun Islam
4. Rukun Iman
5. Pengertian Lafadz Lailaha Illallah
6. Tanda-tanda Baligh (Dewasa)
7. Bersuci Memakai Batu
8. Fardhu dan Rukun Wudhu
9. Pengertian Niat dan Tertib
10. Air
11. Perkara yang Mewajibkan Mandi
12. Fardhu dan Rukun Mandi Junub
13. Syarat-syarat Wudhu
14. Perkara yang Membatalkan Wudhu
15. Larangan Bagi yang Batal Wudhu
16. Larangan Bagi yang Orang Junub
17. Larangan Bagi Wanita Haid
18. Sebab-Sebab Tayammum
19. SyaratTayammum
20. Rukun Tayammum
21. Pembatal Tayammum
22. Benda Najis yang Bisa Suci
23. Macam-macam Najis
24. Cara Menbasuh Najis
25. Masa Haid
26. Masa Nifas
27. Udzurnya Shalat
28. Syarat Shalat
29. Hadas
30. Aurat
31. Rukun dan Fardhu Shalat
32. Tingkatan Niat
33. Syarat Takbiratul Ihram
34. Syarat Membaca Al-Fatihah
35. Tasydid Al-fatihah
36. Waktu Sunnah Mengangkat Kedua Tangan
37. Syarat Sujud
38. Anggota Sujud
39. Tasydid Tahiyat (Tasyahud)
40. Tasydid Shalawat
41. Paling Sedikitnya Salam
42. Waktu-waktu Shalat Fardhu
43. Waktu Haram Mengerjakan Shalat
44. Diam yang Disunnahkan
45. Rukun yang Wajib Tuma'ninah
46. Sebab Sujud Sahwi
47. Sunnah Ab'ad dalam Shalat
48. Pembatal Shalat
49. Kapan Niat Jadi Imam itu Wajib
50. Syarat Jadi Makmum
51. Syarat Sah Shalat Berjamaah
52. Yang Tidak Sah Shalat Berjamaah
53. Syarat Jamak Taqdim
54. Syarat Jamak Ta'khir
55. Syarat Shalat Qashar
56. Syarat Shalat Jum’at
57. Rukun Khutbah Jum’at
58. Syarat Khutbah Jum’at
59. Cara Mengurus Jenazah
60. Cara Memandikan Jenazah
61. Cara Mengkafani Jenazah
62. Rukun Shalat Jenazah
63. Cara Mengubur Jenazah
64. Membongkar Kuburan
65. Hukum Minta Bantuan dalam Bersuci
66. Zakat
67. Perkara yang Mewajibkan Puasa
68. Syarat Sahnya Puasa
69. Syarat wajib Puasa
70. Rukun Puasa
71. Sesuatu yang Mewajibkan Kafarah
72. Wajib Imsak dan Qadha Puasa
73. Pembatal Puasa
74. Macam-macam Iftar
75. Yang tidak membatalkan Puasa Walaupun Sampai ke Rongga
76. Penutup (Khotimah)
77. Kembali ke: FiqihYellow Book, the Islamic religious education, refer to the books of the traditional containing religious instruction islam (diraasah al-Islamiyya) taught at lodges boarding school, ranging from Fiqh, Aqeedah, morality / mysticism, Arabic grammar ( ` `nahwu science and science sharf), hadith, tafsir,` Ulumul Qur'aan, to the social sciences and social (mu`amalah). Known as the book of bare because it does not have a vowel (fathah, kasrah, dhammah, breadfruit), did not like the book of the Qur'an. Therefore, to be able to read the yellow book follows the literal meaning sentence by sentence to be understood as a whole, it takes a relatively long learning.

1. Can be accessed when offline
2. Very complete and exhaustive
3. There is a full explanation
4. The Arabic language and translation at the same time the explanation
5. 7 yellow book
6. There is the contents of Chapter 76 of the Book of Safinatun Najah very complete

Yellow Book list:

1. Kitab Al Hikam
2. The Book Alfiya
3. The Book Fatulqorib
4. Book Qurrotul Uyun
5. Book Riyadhus Sholihin
6. Safinatun Najah
7. Book Ta'lim Muta'alim

For more detail, the yellow book can be defined in three senses:
- First, the books written by foreign scholars, but by generations become a reference that guided by the scholars of Indonesia.
- Secondly, written by scholars of Indonesia as an independent paper.
- And third, Indonesian cleric written as a comment or translation of the book of the work of foreign scholars.
In the Islamic intellectual tradition, particularly in the Middle East, there are two terms to describe the category of scientific works based on the phase or the authoring format.

Table of contents:
1. The Arab
2. Preamble
3. Pillars of Islam
4. Tenets
5. Understanding Lafadz Lailaha Illallah
6. Signs Baligh (Adults)
7. Purification Using Stone
8. Fard and Rukun Wudu
9. Definition of Intention and Rules of Conduct
10. Air
11. Cases that Require Mandi
12. Fard and Rukun junub bath
13. The terms of Wudu
14. Cases were Canceling Ablution
15. Prohibition of those who Cancel Wudu
16. Prohibition For the People junub
17. Prohibition for Women Menstruation
18. Causes of Tayammum
19. SyaratTayammum
20. Rukun Tayammum
21. Invalidate Tayammum
22. Can Unclean Sacred Objects
23. Various Unclean
24. How Menbasuh Unclean
25. Menstrual Period
26. Postpartum Period
27. Salah Udzurnya
28. Terms of Prayer
29. Hadas
30. Aurat
31. Pillars and Fard Prayer
32. Levels of Intent
33. Terms Takbiratul Ihram
34. Terms of Reading Al-Fatihah
35. shadda Al-Fatihah
36. Time Sunnah Raised Both Hands
37. Terms of prostration
Member 38. Homage
39. shadda tahiyat (Tasyahud)
40. shadda segue
41. At least Salam
42. Time of Prayer Fard
43. Working Time Haram Prayer
44. Silent disunnahkan
45. Mandatory Rukun Tuma'ninah
46. ​​Because prostration for forgetfulness
47. Sunnah Ab'ad in Prayer
48. Invalidate Prayers
49. When was the intention So the Priest Mandatory
50. Terms So makmum
51. Salah Berjamaah Legal Terms
52. The Unauthorized Salah Berjamaah
53. Terms Plural Taqdim
54. Terms Plural Ta'khir
55. Terms Salah Qashar
56. Terms Friday prayer
57. Pillars of Friday Khutbah
58. Terms Friday Khutbah
59. How Minding Jenazah
60. How Bathing Jenazah
61. How Mengkafani Jenazah
62. Pillars of Prayer Jenazah
63. How Burying the corpse
64. Dismantling Grave
Law 65. Ask for Help in Purification
66. Zakat
67. Cases that Require Fasting
68. Terms of Legal Fasting
69. Terms of obligatory fasting
70. Pillars of Fasting
71. Something Compel Kafarah
72. Mandatory Imsak and Qadha Fasting
73. Invalidate Fasting
74. Various Iftar
75. That does not invalidate fasting Even Up to Cavities
76. Closing (Khotimah)
77. Back to: Fiqh

Other Information:

Requires Android:
Android 2.3.4+ (Gingerbread MR1, API 10)
Other Sources:


This version of Kitab Kuning Safinatun Najah Android App comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.

(Jul 09, 2017)
Minimum OS
Android 2.3.4+ (Gingerbread MR1, API 10)
Screen DPI

Warning: Undefined array key "dp" in /home/apkapps/web/jetapk.com/public_html/template/PageApp.php on line 222
nodpi (all screens)

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