Bug Fixes for push dates.
Improved Performance in Gallery
Konverv App for Schools is revolutionary platform designed for School Parent Communication. Please note that only schools that have registered for service can use the app.
School can write to sales@konverv.com or visit www.konverv.com to register for this service.
Konverv App for Schools provides rich functionalities such as:
* School can send messages (push notifications) to parents for instant communication.
* School can choose to send the message for entire school (for example school closure due to weather conditions) or for a specific classroom (for example Grade 1, Section A physics project submission)
* School also has option to sending the message to specific child's parents
* School can easily collect parent's prefernces on topics by sending Polls or Surveys (for example feedback on a specific teacher or feedback on transport provider)
* Parents can easily give their vote by click of a button in the App itself
* Konverv App allows parents to use Google maps for navigation to any events that are being held outside of the school premises
* Principals can share their message with the parents in this section. It is like a personal blog space for the Principal to share thoughts with the parents
* Parents can take appointment of Principal using this feature of the app. Principal can accept or decline the appointment request and same is informed to the parents through the Konverv App
* Parents can easily view photos and video that the school shares such as from Sports day, Prize distribution. Parents can also share these photos and videos with their family and friends over facebook, whatsapp and other social media channels
* Parents can send intimation of Child's absence from school using the Konverp App.
* Parents can write emails and call school number from the app without having to remember the contact information
* Time-table easy and quick access on Dashboard of the App. Helps parents to prepare child for the next day's school
* Parents can read the school newsletters on their mobile itself.
* Parents can download the Syllabus for the child's curriculum
This version of Konverv Android App comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.
If you are looking to download other versions of Konverv Android App, We have 5 versions in our database. Please select one of them below to download.