Buy and manage event tickets directly from the mobile app
A redesigned user interface for a better user experience
Kultura Malta app is the official cultural calendar of events organised by public entities around Malta and Gozo. The calendar is always kept up to date and users can browse through the activities using a series of filters including date range and category. Detailed information is available about each event, including event organiser, description, dates, ticket fees, venue and target audience. Users can subscribe and get notifications about events in which they are interested. The application also allows users to rate events and give feedback to the organisers.
Kultura Malta hija l-mobile app uffiċjali dwar avvenimenti kulturali organizzati minn entitajiet pubbliċi madwar Malta u Għawdex. Il-kalendarju huwa dejjem aġġornat u l-utent jista’ jara l-attivitajiet disponibbli b’mod kronoloġiku jew jagħżel skond id-data u l-kategorija. Informazzjoni dettaljata dwar kull avveniment tinkludi min hu l-organizzatur, id-dati, prezzijiet, post u l-udjenza fil-mira. L-utent jista’ jissottoskrivi fl-avvenimenti li jinteressawh u b’hekk jirċievi kull notifika dwarhom. Hemm ukoll l-għażla li wieħed jista’ jibgħat kummenti dwar l-avveniment lill-organizzaturi mill-mobile app stess.
This version of Kultura Malta Android App comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.
If you are looking to download other versions of Kultura Malta Android App, We have 3 versions in our database. Please select one of them below to download.