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Kumpulan Lagu Sholawat Gus Azmi MP3 Merdu APK Download for Android
Kumpulan Lagu Sholawat Gus Azmi MP3 Merdu 7.0 Icon

Kumpulan Lagu Sholawat Gus Azmi MP3 Merdu

Nur Hasanah Mobile Music & Audio
4.2K Ratings
Mar 14, 2018
release date
34.4 MB
file size

What's New

Update :

1. Tampilan layar baru yang lebih fresh

2. Aplikasi lebih cepat

3. Penambahan banyak lagu baru :

- Dilan Versi Sholawat

- Sandaran Jiwa

- Surat Cinta Untuk Nabi

- Santri Bukan Artis

- Ayo Mondok

- Ayo Move On

- Rindu Ayah

- Ibu Aku Rindu

- Qomarun

- Ya Asyiqal Musthofa

- Cinta Dalam Istikharoh

- Astagfirullah Versi Kelangan

- Alfatihah Untukmu

- Annabi Shollu Alaih

- Cinta Palsu

- Surga Tak Dikenal

- dan masih banyak lagi

About Kumpulan Lagu Sholawat Gus Azmi MP3 Merdu Android App

Assalamu alaikum,
Kumpulan Lagu Sholawat Gus Azmi MP3 Merdu memungkinkan Anda mendengarkan kumpulan lagu Sholawat, lagu religi Islami dan nasyid terbaru dan lengkap 2018 dari Gus Azmi secara offline. Sholawat terbaru Syubbanul Muslimin yang di lantunkan GUS AZMI sebagai vocal Penggunaan Aplikasi ini , setelah terbuka pada menu daftar lagu silahkan sentuh Judul lagu yang anda sukai dan mainkan, tombol pengaturan Play dan Pause ada diatas. Kumpulan Lagu Sholawat Gus Azmi MP3 Merdu : Dengarkan Mp3 Sholawat Gus Azmi Lengkap offline. Bagi kalian semua yang ingi mendengarkan suara indah dan merdu Gus Azmi dalam melantunkan lagu-lagu dan sholawat maka anda harus menginstal aplikasi yang satu ini. Kumpulan Lagu Sholawat Gus Azmi MP3 Merdu offline jadi bisa diputar kapan saja tanpa perlu menggunakan paket data, jaringan internet maupun koneksi wifi.

Judul Kumpulan Lagu Sholawat Gus Azmi MP3 Merdu antara lain :

(New Update)
- Dilan Versi Sholawat
- Sandaran Jiwa
- Surat Cinta Untuk Nabi
- Santri Bukan Artis
- Ayo Mondok
- Ayo Move On
- Rindu Ayah
- Ibu Aku Rindu
- Qomarun
- Ya Asyiqal Musthofa
- Cinta Dalam Istikharoh
- Astagfirullah Versi Kelangan
- Alfatihah Untukmu
- Annabi Shollu Alaih
- Cinta Palsu
- Surga Tak Dikenal
- Turi Putih Versi Madura
- dan masih banyak lagi

Abatasa (Versi Reaper)
Ahmad Ya Habibi
Ajmala Dzikro
Alfatihah Untukmu
Annabi Shollu Alaih
Astagfirullah (Versi Kelangan)
Cinta Dalam Istikharoh
Hayyul Hadi
Ibu Aku Rindu
Istriku Engkau Ratu Di Hatiku
Kami Datang Mengharap Cinta
Minal Qudusi
Surga Tak Dikenal
Syiir Tanpo Waton
Turi Putih (Versi Madura)
Ya Asyiqal Musthofa
Ya Robbi (Versi Cinta Terlarang)
Ya Rosulullah (Versi Secawan Madu)
Dan masih banyak lagi…

Aplikasi ini berisi kumpulan sholawat yang dibawakan oleh Syubbanul Muslimin dan yang menjadi vokalnya GUS AZMI, yang mempunyai suara bagus dan indah. Syubbanul Muslimin adalah sebuah Majelis yang berpusat di Pondok Pesantren Nurul Qodim Kalikajar Paiton Probolinggo dan diasuh oleh KH. Hafidzul Hakim Noer. Majelis ini bermula dari kekhawatiran KH. Hafidz kepada pergaulan remaja yang semakin hari semakin tidak karuan, sehingga dibentuklah wadah untuk para pemuda yang diberi nama SYUBBANUL MUSLIMIN yang membawakan sholawat sholawat yang indah dan merdu. Fitur : NEW DEMEN SHOLAWAT, GUS AZMI, Syubbanul Muslimin, SHOLAWATAN, STREAMING MP3. Aplikasi ini hanya menyediakan sebatas memutar audio music streaming dan tidak ada button download didalamnya karena menyalahi hak cipta dan kebijakan tertentu. Semoga Aplikasi Sholawat Gus Azmi ini bermanfaat, jangan lupa rate/reviewnya untuk pengembangan selanjutnya

Catatan: Aplikasi Kumpulan Lagu Sholawat Gus Azmi MP3 Merdu gratis dan memiliki iklan banner, iklan dinding dan Iklan app keluar. Gunakan Kumpulan Lagu Sholawat Gus Azmi MP3 Merdu gratis dan berbagi dengan keluarga dan teman-teman, Jazak Allah. Selamat datang bulan suci Ramadhan 2018 / 1439 H. Ramadhan Kareem 2018 / 1439 H. Ramadhan Mubarak 2018 / 1439 H. Trima Kasih

Disclaimer :
All of content in this application is not our trademark. We only get the content from search engine and website. The Songs in this application is entirely owned by the creator, musician and music label concerned. The use of songs solely for the benefit of public education on the importance of preserving Islamic songs and also as a religious syiar. If you are the copyright holder of this song and do not wish your song to be displayed, please contact us via email developer and let us know about your ownership status of the song.Assalamualaikum,
Azmi set of songs Sholawat Gus lets you listen to MP3 Tunable sholawat collection of songs, religious songs and nasyid Islami latest and complete in 2018 from Gus Azmi offline. The latest sholawat Syubbanul Muslimin in GUS AZMI as a vocal chant Use this application, after the open on the menu list of songs just touch the title of the song that you like and play, setting the Play and Pause buttons are above. Gus sholawat set Azmi MP3 Songs Tunable: Listen Mp3 Sholawat Gus Complete Azmi offline. For all of you intending to listen to the beautiful sounds and melodious Gus Azmi in chanting songs and sholawat then you must install this one. Gus sholawat set Azmi MP3 Songs Melodious offline so it could be played at any time without the need to use the data packet, the internet or wifi connection.

Title Song Sholawat Gus set Azmi MP3 Tunable among others:

(New Update)
   - Dilan Version sholawat
   - Lean Life
   - A Love Letter To The Prophet
   - Pupils Not Artists
   - Come mole
   - Let's Move On
   - Miss Dad
   - Mrs. Aku Rindu
   - Qomarun
   - Yes Asyiqal Musthofa
   - Love In Istikharoh
   - Astagfirullah Version Kelangan
   - Alfatihah For You
   - Annabi Shollu Alaih
   - Fake love
   - Heaven Unknown
   - Turi White Version Madura
   - and many more

Abatasa (Version Reaper)
Ahmad Ya Habibi
Ajmala Dzikro
Alfatihah For You
Annabi Shollu Alaih
Astagfirullah (Kelangan Version)
Love In Istikharoh
Hayyul Hadi
Mrs. Aku Rindu
Thou My wife Queen In My Heart
We Come Expecting Love
minal Qudusi
Heaven Unknown
Syiir Tanpo Waton
Turi White (Version Madura)
Yes Asyiqal Musthofa
Ya Robbi (Forbidden Love Version)
Ya Muhammad (Version Cup of Honey)
And many more…

This application contains a collection of sholawat performed by Syubbanul Muslims and the vocal GUS AZMI, which has a nice voice and beautiful. Syubbanul Muslims is an assembly based in Pondok Pesantren Nurul Qodim Kalikajar Paiton Probolinggo and nurtured by KH. Judge Hafidzul Noer. Assembly of this stems from concerns KH. Haafiz the juvenile association that is increasingly erratic, so formed container for youths named SYUBBANUL MUSLIMIN who brought sholawat sholawat beautiful and melodious. Features: NEW Amendment sholawat, GUS AZMI, Syubbanul Muslims, Sholawatan, streaming MP3. This app only provides limited playing audio music streaming and no download button in it because it violates copyright and certain policies. Hopefully this app useful Azmi Sholawat Gus, do not forget to rate / reviewnya for further development

Note: Applications Sholawat Gus set Azmi MP3 Songs Tunable free and has banner ads, wall ads and exit app Ads. Use Sholawat Gus set Azmi MP3 Songs Tunable free and share with family and friends, Jazak Allah. Welcome Ramadan 2018/1439 AH Ramadan Kareem 2018/1439 AH Ramadan Mubarak 2018/1439 H. Trima Love

All of the content in this application is not our trademark. We only get the content from the search engines and websites. The Songs in this application is entirely owned by the creator, musician and music label concerned. The use of songs solely for the benefit of public education on the importance of preserving Islamic songs and Also as a religious greatness. If you are the copyright holder of this song and do not wish your song to be displayed, please contact us via e-mail the developer and let us know about your ownership status of the song.

Other Information:

Requires Android:
Android 4.0+ (Ice Cream Sandwich, API 14)
Other Sources:


This version of Kumpulan Lagu Sholawat Gus Azmi MP3 Merdu Android App comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.

(Mar 14, 2018)
Minimum OS
Android 4.0+ (Ice Cream Sandwich, API 14)
Screen DPI

Warning: Undefined array key "dp" in /home/apkapps/web/jetapk.com/public_html/template/PageApp.php on line 222
nodpi (all screens)