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Lagu NELLA KHARISMA - BOJO GALAK 1.0.1 APK Download for Android


Reaterler Music & Audio
11 Ratings
Dec 01, 2017
release date
3.8 MB
file size

What's New


Sebuah Aplikasi streaming yang sangat bagus dan menarik. Buat kamu penggemar berat NELLA KHARISMA. Aplikasi ini sangat cocok untuk anda para penggemar Musik yang di bawakan NELLA KHARISMA. Semua hal yang membuatmu senang dan bahagia ada di aplikasi ini karena aplikasi ini berisikan musik yang anda inginkan yaitu NELLA KHARISMA. kami tidak menyediakan fitur download karena melanggar hukum. terdapat lirik yang membuat anda bisa ikut bernyanyi tanpa takut salah. semoga membantu !!

Tiada Hari tanpa musik karena musik bagian dari kehidupan manusia. musik telah ada sejak zaman dahulu dan sekarang musik berkembang berbagai aliran dan semakin maju. di aplikasi NELLA KHARISMA ini anda dapat menemukan musik yang anda sukai dengan kualitas musik terbaik. aplikasi ini membantu mendengarkan musik NELLA KHARISMA yang anda sukai. semua lagu VIRGOUN terdapat di sini dengan di lengkapi lirik dan mp3 yang sangat keren dan simple. dengan aplikasi ini tidak ada hal yang sulit untuk mendengarkan musik NELLA KHARISMA.

Menggunakan aplikasi streaming NELLA KHARISMA ini anda dengan mudah menggunkannya di manapun anda berada. cukup dengan koneksi internet 3G/4G dan WIFI. rasakan sensasi berbeda dengan aplikasi NELLA KHARISMA ini. kontrol aplikasi yang sangat mudah di gunakan siapapun.

Fitur NELLA KHARISMA streaming
1. MP3 Keren dan Simple
2. Sangat Mudah digunakan
3. Jumlah Lagu Lengkap
4. Suara musik kualitas tinggi
5. Skin Yang di ubah sesuka hati
6. Setting

Gunakan internet untuk menggunakan aplikasi streaming NELLA KHARISMA ini kami sarankan gunakan 3G/4G dan Wifi. semoa aplikasi streaming NELLA KHARISMA ini dapat membuat hari anda lebih berwarna dan ceria.

Nella Kharisma - Bojo Galak
Nella Kharisma - Jaran goyang
Nella Kharisma - Konco Mesra
Nella Kharisma - Istimewa
Nella Kharisma - Kau Tercipta Bukan Untuku
Nella Kharisma - Suket Teki
Nella Kharisma - Ditinggal Rabi
Nella Kharisma - Ojo Nguber Welase
Nella Kharisma - Kelingan MantanA streaming application which was very nice and interesting. Make you a big fan NELLA KHARISMA. This application is perfect for fans of music in NELLA bring KHARISMA. All the things that make you happy and happy in this application because it contains the music you want is NELLA KHARISMA. we do not provide download feature for breaking the law. There are lyrics that make you can sing along without fear of being wrong. I hope this helps !!

There is no day without music because music is a part of human life. music has existed since ancient times and is now developing various streams music and more advanced. The application of this KHARISMA NELLA you can find music that you like the best music quality. This application helps NELLA KHARISMA listen to music that you like. VIRGOUN all songs are here with equipped lyrics and mp3 very cool and simple. with this application there is nothing difficult to listen to music NELLA KHARISMA.

Using this KHARISMA NELLA streaming application you can easily menggunkannya wherever you are. enough with the internet connection 3G / 4G and WIFI. feel different sensations with this KHARISMA NELLA application. control application is very easy to use anyone.

Features NELLA KHARISMA streaming
1. MP3 Cool and Simple
2. Very Easy to use
3. Number of Songs Complete
4. The sound of high quality music
5. Skin That changed at will
6. Setting

Use the internet to use this KHARISMA NELLA streaming applications we recommend using a 3G / 4G and Wifi. NELLA KHARISMA semoa streaming applications can make your day more colorful and cheerful.

Nella Kharisma - Bojo Galak
Nella Kharisma - Jaran rocking
Nella Kharisma - Buds Mesra
Nella Kharisma - Outstanding
Nella Kharisma - You Tercipta not untuku
Nella Kharisma - Suket Puzzle
Nella Kharisma - Left Rabbi
Nella Kharisma - Ojo Nguber Welase
Nella Kharisma - Former Kelingan

Other Information:

Requires Android:
Android 4.0+ (Ice Cream Sandwich, API 14)
Other Sources:


This version of Lagu NELLA KHARISMA Android App comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.

(Dec 01, 2017)
Minimum OS
Android 4.0+ (Ice Cream Sandwich, API 14)
Screen DPI

Warning: Undefined array key "dp" in /home/apkapps/web/jetapk.com/public_html/template/PageApp.php on line 222
nodpi (all screens)

All Versions

If you are looking to download other versions of Lagu NELLA KHARISMA Android App, We have 1 version in our database. Please select one of them below to download.
