* Penambahan Sholawat Anak
* Sholawat Nabi dan Lagu Anak Muslim
* Tidak boros kuota paket data (offline app)
* Aplikasi GRATISS!!
Lagu Sholawat Anak Edukasi Lengkap aplikasi edukasi anak yang berisi kumpulan lagu lagu anak Muslim, lagu anak Islami, Nasyid anak, Sholawat nabi lengkap dan terbaik yang bisa digunakan untuk mendidik anak Anda. Aplikasi yang berisi Lagu Anak Muslim & Shalawat untuk anak muslim tentang ajaran-ajaran dasar dalam islam, seperti rukun islam, rukun iman, sholat, puasa, sifat Allah, malaikat, nabi dan rosul serta shalawat untuk Nabi Muhammad saw. Aplikasi ini hanya menyediakan Mp3 Streaming dan tidak ada fitur download karena dapat melanggar hak cipta.
Aplikasi lagu sholawat anak lengkap ini cocok untuk anak tk, sd, SMP, SMA dan umum. Aplikasi lagu sholawat anak ini berisi tentang lagu-lagu sholawat versi anak-anak, cara pembawaan lagu anak sholawat ini pasti akan mudah di terima oleh pengguna karena game lagu sholawat anak lengkap ini terdapat audio yang merdu, background menarik, kartun yang lucu dan pastinya membuat anak-anak akan mudah menerimanya.
Aplikasi Lagu Sholawat Anak Lengkap ini adalah trobosan edukasi menarik untuk anak anak yang dikemas dengan semenarik mungkin dan tujuan dari pembuatan aplikasi edukasi ini bertujuan untuk melestarikan lagu sholawat yang pada zaman ini sudah mulai di lupakan, hindarkan anak dengan lagu dewasa karena belum sepantasnya dihafalkan oleh anak , dengan aplikasi edukasi lagu sholawat anak ini bisa menjadi salah satu pendorong atau pengikat daya tarik anak untuk mau bernyanyi dan menghafalkan lagi lagu lagu sholawat
Aplikasi ini dibuat untuk membantu berdakwah dan mensyiarkan agama islam baik di indonesia maupun di luar negeri. Aplikasi ini membutuhkan koneksi dari internet yang cukup untuk mengambil datanya. Karena database aplikasi ini berada pada server, maka untuk para pengguna tidak perlu khawatir membutuhkan banyak ruang penyimpanan atau memori di handphone.
Judul Lagu Sholawat Anak Edukasi Lengkap MP3 antara lain :
Al Hijrah
Allahuma Sholli
Rasul Junjungan
Ya Allah Ya Marhaban
Azzka Taslimi
Ya Rasulallah
Khoirul Bariyah
SholatullahYa Ala Baitin Nabi
Ya Imamar Rusli
Ahlaqul Karimah
Asmaul Husna
Abi Wal Umi
Sholawat Badar
Ya Nabi Salam Alaika
Ya Robibil Mustofa
Ya Thoyba
Demi Masa
Yadzal Jalali
Sepohon Kayu
Catatan: Aplikasi Kumpulan Lagu Sholawat Anak Edukasi Lengkap gratis dan memiliki iklan banner, iklan dinding dan Iklan app keluar. Gunakan Aplikasi Lagu Sholawat Anak Lengkap gratis dan berbagi dengan keluarga dan teman-teman, Jazak Allah.
Disclaimer :
All of content in this application is not our trademark. We only get the content from search engine and website. The song in this application is entirely owned by the creator. The use of song solely for the benefit of public education on the importance of preserving Islamic education and also as a religious syiar. If you are the copyright holder of this song and do not wish your song to be displayed, please contact us via email developer and let us know about your ownership status.Complete Education Children's Songs sholawat child educational application that contains a collection of Muslim children's songs, children's songs Islami, Nasyid children, sholawat complete and best prophet that could be used to educate your child. Applications that contain Muslim Kids Songs & segue for Muslim children about the basic teachings of Islam, such as the pillars of Islam, the pillars of faith, prayer, fasting, the nature of God, an angel, a prophet and messenger and blessings to Prophet Muhammad, This app only provides Mp3 Streaming and no download feature because it may infringe copyright.
Application complete song sholawat child is suitable for children tk, sd, junior high school and the public. Applications song sholawat this child contains songs sholawat version of the children, how nature rhymes sholawat is sure to be easily accepted by users because the game song sholawat children complete there are audio tunable, background charming, cartoon funny and certainly make children will easily receive it.
Applications song sholawat Children Complete is trobosan education attractive for children are packed with interesting and purpose of creating educational applications is aimed at preserving the song sholawat that in this era has begun in the forgotten, avoid children with songs adults because they have not deserved recited by children , with the child's educational applications sholawat this song could be one of the drivers or binder appeal to children would sing songs and recite again sholawat
This application was created to help preach and mensyiarkan Islamic religion both in Indonesia and abroad. This application requires a connection from the Internet is enough to retrieve its data. Because this application database resides on the server, then to the users do not have to worry about storage space or takes a lot of memory on the phone.
Education Kids Song Title sholawat Complete MP3, among others:
Al Hijrah
Allahuma Sholli
Rasul Junjungan
Ya Allah Ya Marhaban
Azzka Taslimi
Yes Rasulallah
Khoirul Bariyah
Ala SholatullahYa Baitin Prophet
Yes Imamar Rusli
Ahlaqul Karimah
Asmaul Husna
Abi Wal Umi
sholawat Badar
Ya Nabi Salam Alaika
Yes Robibil Mustafa
Yes Thoyba
For the sake of time
Yadzal Jalali
Sepohon Wood
Note: Applications sholawat set Songs Children Complete Education is free and has banner ads, wall ads and exit app Ads. Use Application Complete Children's Songs sholawat free and share with family and friends, Jazak Allah.
All of the content in this application is not our trademark. We only get the content from the search engines and websites. The song in this application is entirely owned by the creator. The use of song solely for the benefit of public education on the importance of preserving Islamic education and Also as a religious greatness. If you are the copyright holder of this song and do not wish your song to be displayed, please contact us via e-mail the developer and let us know about your ownership status.
This version of Lagu Sholawat Anak Edukasi Lengkap Android App comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.
If you are looking to download other versions of Lagu Sholawat Anak Edukasi Lengkap Android App, We have 1 version in our database. Please select one of them below to download.