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Lemonop - Freelancing and professional networking app for gen Z.
Are you looking for a work from home jobs app / Part time jobs app or to do remote Internships to earn money? You landed in the right place..
Lemonop app is a freelancing app for students and freshers to find remote jobs, work from home internships/ jobs or part time jobs to earn more pocket money.
Lemonop offers a variety of part time jobs in various industries in your area of interest - travel, food, coding, photography, quizzing & much more, users can work in their area and earn money.
#SayNoToFreeInternships #GetWellPaid #NoFreeWork
Lemonop is on a mission to STOP free work, free internships (in fact nowadays students pay companies to get internships), making sure every work done by a student should not go unpaid. So far all the gigs posted on our platform are "well paid". In Lemonop get assured well paid internships and fresher jobs.
Lemonop app is completely free for you and we don’t take any cut from the money you earned on our platform. It is free to use and earn.
Dashboard : Displays the variety of gigs( part time/ work from home jobs) where users can choose based on interest.
Gig screen: Where user can apply to the gigs(part time jobs)
Twyne: Share your achievements, skills , ideas. Users can earn money everyday by participating in Tywne contests. Add 30 Second videos, Bolo, Roposo, Jio.
Connections: Find random people based on your interests/skills, connect and do online chat.
Chat: Real time chat (online chat) with people across the platform, connections and employers.
Deal and Offers: Get latest deals and offers in the market exclusively applies to students and freshers
FirstJob: Freshers (recent grads) can find their first job through this feature.
Some of the gigs (part time jobs)
Social media marketing jobs
Campus Ambassadors jobs (work from home)
Interior designer jobs
Coding Internships
Event volunteer gigs
Photography, Videography gigs
Graphic designer internships (remote / work from home)
Web Development Internships - Javascript developer Internships (remote / work from home)
Java, C++ engineer jobs
Business Development Jobs
Content writing / content marketing internships (work from home)
Part-time computer trainers
Data management jobs
Telesales executive jobs - Tele caller jobs
AIML internships
Field marketing jobs - sales jobs - Marketing associate jobs
Fill all the details in the profile section to increase your chances of getting hired quickly and instantly access job openings matching to your profile.
Employers/ Companies can also post unlimited gigs(part time /work from home jobs) & select best candidates. Post a gig(part time /work from home jobs) by filling a simple form & provide your job description in detail so that you get the best matched aspirant by our recommendation engine. Employers can visit https://lemonop.com/business to register and post gigs(part time /work from home jobs).
Employers/ Companies can also look for freshers through our another feature “Work finds people” and offer them first job opportunities, hire experienced aspirants with digital work experience.
We at Lemonop app call part time jobs as ‘Gigs’, Gigs are short-term contracts or freelance work (any kind of part-time or freelance work).
Have a great skill? Write to us at hello@lemonop.com and we’ll find you paid gigs.
Made with ❤️ in India.
This version of Lemonop Android App comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.
If you are looking to download other versions of Lemonop Android App, We have 10 versions in our database. Please select one of them below to download.