What's new:
- If enabled, live streams are now shown in the media tab header.
- If Messaging enabled, set recurring meeting details (frequency, day, time, location) for your groups.
- If Messaging enabled, filter groups by meeting details to find ones that fit your schedule.
- Updates to the media experience for apps with Media Series enabled.
Joshua Jagessar aka PJ, Founder and Pastor of Encounter Church in North Carolina and Life Church Encounter in NYC; dedicated his life to sharing the grace of God through preaching and the worship experience. This all started in 2007 when pastor Josh was diagnosed of lymphoma hodgkins and God miraculously healed him. From a fallen business, battling cancer and going through divorce; he preaches the Grace of God with no limit. His vision is to reach a sea of souls by the Word of God and the Worship Experience. Pastor Josh believes the church is not a platform for judgement but rather an outlet of grace.
'If you want to meet with God, with God you will meet."
This version of Encounter Nation Android App comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.
If you are looking to download other versions of Encounter Nation Android App, We have 10 versions in our database. Please select one of them below to download.