This release (2012 Jan 1) incorporates updates developed for the upcoming new 'ping' facility which will allow users to invite other users into their teams.
locAR is a powerful multi-user, real-time, phone-to-phone, live team location tracking and text/image sharing m-app!
Join your friends, colleagues or family in your own private teams to securely share LIVE location, motion/orientation data, waypoints, tracks, trails, zones, camera snaps & texts
** Also see the NEW vidAR app for optical tracking / surveillance !! **
Team member and object locations are drawn on a geographic map or as an 'augmented reality' (AR) overlay on the view through the camera. The AR view includes a HUD compass, artificial horizon, speed display (if moving) and 360 degree radial scan view. To try it just select "Cam" from the main Menu, wait for the camera view to appear and then look around the horizon
Your location and heading/pitch can be used to generate KML data for real-time viewing via Google Earth. You even control the distance and direction from which your location is viewed!
The locAR servers distribute city and other geographic objects based on viewer location. locAR supports the display of both static navigational points and real-time moving tracks sent to the server (contact us for technical details)
locAR lets you capture and automatically distribute camera snaps across your team within seconds. Snaps can also be taken at various timed intervals - allowing use of locAR as both a hi-res web-cam and a viewer. If enabled, your most recent snap is shown within a few seconds above your location marker on the map or AR view of all team members (and you can delete snaps at any time)
To try out locAR's 'augmented reality' mode select "Cam" from the main menu, wait for the camera view to appear and slowly look around the horizon. Any team members and nearby cities are already shown. Add your own objects (home, work, where you left the car!, etc) via the "Node" menu.
Crucially, locAR has a full set of 'location-privacy' controls. These include the 'randomisation' of your shared location within various range boxes, privacy zones and team membership timers. No registration process nor provision of personal information is required to use locAR
Two powerful simulation modes let you 'fly around' anywhere in the world and engage your fellow team members in "War-loc!" - a live battle sim in which lasers, guided missiles, nukes and other weapons can be 'fired' between handsets! You even get to feel the effect of being hit!
To quickly and safely try out some of locAR's features just select "Demo" on the main menu to securely join team 'demo' with your position simulated over Kennedy Space Center, Florida and with War-loc! mode selected. Be ready to get the odd missile fired at you - just fire back! Steer by gently rolling the phone left or right
With Menu-Nav-Sim-LockRef you can 'slave' your simulated position to that of another team member. This allows you to control the displayed position on a non-gps device (such as one of those nice 'big-screen' tablets) from a standard gps phone - a great way to get a big, moving-map display!
When first using locAR you are initially given a default user id of the form "USERnnnn" to get you going. Enter a name of your choice under Menu-Data-User to get your own unique id (UID)
Then go on to create your own teams and invite your friends to join them simply by all using the same team name and (optional) password under Menu-Team. You can see the user ids of all your current team members (along with their directions and distances) under Menu-Team-List
As you move around locAR's menus various 'Tips' messages appear to explain your options. Tips can be disabled via Menu-Data-User when you know your way around locAR. Each menu also has a "Help" button which takes you directly to the relevant page within the online User Guide
Note that locAR is a powerful m-app with lots of features, options and security safeguards. To take full advantage of these you are strongly advised to read the extensive online User Guide, T&Cs, update history and other news at
This version of locAR Live Location Tracker Android App comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.
If you are looking to download other versions of locAR Live Location Tracker Android App, We have 1 version in our database. Please select one of them below to download.