London has a particular feeling, like no other city. We like that feeling, despite London's rainy weather an the smog..
If you like London and you want some HD wallpapers and have no clue what wallpapers to choose, try the London HD Wallpaper collection, for the best and most beautiful wallpapers in this series of London wallpapers.
After you download and install the London HD Wallpapers Collection, open it, press the "set wallpaper" button, and you can slide the wallpapers thumbnails and press each thumbnail to see the full HD wallpaper preview. After you selected the desired wallpaper press the "apply wallpaper" button and voila, it's done!
Why choose our HD wallpapers?
☆ Completely Free - you do not have to pay a cent for our wallpaper collections
☆ Battery saving - Our HD wallpapers do not consume extra battery
☆ True HD Wallpapers - Our images are truly High Definition
☆ Simple Interface - Our Wallpaper app's stylish design is simple and easy to use
☆ Small Download size - We are splitting our wallpaper collection in smaller parts so you can see most of the wallpapers in the wallpaper preview
☆ Instant wallpaper - Our images are integrate in the wallpaper collection app, so you will not have to wait for another download and pay again for extra traffic
If you like our wallpapers pleas give us a 5 ✯✯✯✯✯ rating, so you can motivate us to work on the next series of this collection.
This app uses ads so we can keep it completely free for you and have premium photos.
IF you have any suggestions or complaints or you just want to say "Hi!" (ツ) , you can contact us at
This version of London HD Wallpapers Android App comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.
If you are looking to download other versions of London HD Wallpapers Android App, We have 1 version in our database. Please select one of them below to download.