Are you searching for the best way to ask your lover that how much you have love
The word LOVE is a four letter magical that can make the whole world spin with its passion.
Completely Offline & FREE of all sms collections for you having more than 100000+ collection of latest text messages, forwards, quotes & top jokes in all categories for android phones!
Share with your GirlFriend / BoyFriend to Cool SMS
Works without Internet (Offline)
Latest Love / Romantic SMS collections
Easy to Share with friends via sms, Facebook, Whatsapp, etc.
(प्यार एसएमएस संदेश, Mensajes SMS de amor, محبت ایس ایم ایس پیغامات, 爱短信 , 愛のSMSメッセージ , Любовь sms-сообщения , رسائل حب سمز , Mensagens SMS de amor , Sms mesajları sev )
Love SMS
Kiss SMS
Romantic SMS
Flirt SMS
Miss you SMS
Valentine SMS
Night SMS
Morning SMS
Cute SMS
Friendship SMS
Sorry SMS
Love Status Whats app
This version of LOVE SMS MESSAGES 2018 Android App comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.
If you are looking to download other versions of LOVE SMS MESSAGES 2018 Android App, We have 1 version in our database. Please select one of them below to download.