Een digitaal platform waar u de allernieuwste Lumière series kunt kopen en direct bekijken (streamen) in de beste kwaliteit via uw (smart)tv, pc, tablet of smartphone. U kunt de aangekochte serie(s) onbeperkt bekijken in Nederland en België. De nieuwe series zullen beschikbaar zijn vanaf 1 week vóór of tegelijkertijd met de dvd / Blu-ray release. Reeds verschenen series zullen geleidelijk aan worden toegevoegd.A digital platform where you can buy the latest series Lumière and instantly view (stream) in best quality from your (smart) TV, PC, tablet or smartphone. You purchased the series (s) are unlimited in the Netherlands and Belgium. The new series will be available one week prior to or simultaneously with the DVD / Blu-ray release. Already published series will be gradually added to.
This version of Lumiere Series Android App comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.
If you are looking to download other versions of Lumiere Series Android App, We have 8 versions in our database. Please select one of them below to download.