Lurren urtebetetzea da eta tartarik onena egin behar dute.
Lurrekin Eatvillera joan zaitez, amonaren tartarentzat osagai onenak bilatzeko, bere errezetaren arabera. Lagun berriak egingo dituzu, produktu onenak aukeratzen lagunduko dizutenak; horrela arduraz elikatzen ikasiko duzu.
Eatvillen denak elikagaien inguruko adituak dira, eta guztiek produktu organiko eta jasangarriak ekoizten dituzte!
Sei kapituluetan elikagai jasangarrien kateari buruzko istorio labur bat kontatzen dute , hala nola: urtaroko barazkien jatorria; ekoizpen eta banaketa prozesuek ingurumenarengan eta gizartearengan duten eragina; eta aukera arduratsua produktuak erosteko orduan.
Robini lagundu tartarik onenerako osagaiak bilatzen,… has dezala bilaketa!
Aplikazio hau Europar Batasunaren finantza-sostenguarekin gauzatu da. Aplikazio honen edukiak CISV erakundearen erantzukizuna dira eta ez dute, inola ere, Europar Batasunaren jarrera islatzen. www.eathink2015.orgLurren birthday and they need to make the best of Tartary.
Eatvillera Lurrekin go, grandmother of the best ingredients for the cake, according to his recipe. You will make new friends, can help you choose the best products; You will learn so fed responsibly.
Eatvillen all of them are experts in food, and all the products they produce organic and sustainable!
Six chapters tells a short story about the chain of sustainable foods, such as: the origin of seasonal vegetables; production and distribution processes that affect the environment and society; and responsible choices when purchasing products.
Robin helped Tartaria searching for best ingredients, ... let the search begin!
This application is implemented by the European Union financial support. CISV The contents of this application are the responsibility of the organization and they do not, in any way, reflect the attitude of the European Union.
This release of Lurren Pastela Android Game available in 2 variants. Please select the variant to download. Please read our FAQ to find out which variant is suitable for your Android device based on Screen DPI and Processor Architecture.
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