Fixed Bugs
Live streaming from your desktop
Earn money with our mentorship tool
Share your on demand videos and live streams without the need to download the app
Go live using your smartphone anywhere in the world at any time! Share your moments with your
family , friends or coworkers using social media vehicles. It’s easy and fast!
Go live now!!
Features :
Lynx on your own website - Yes , it's possible and easy! You don’t have to give all your audience to
the app! Our goal it’s to get YOU famous! With our web version of Lynx , you just get your embed
code and put anywhere you want, blog , website , distribute to media vehicles, anything you want!
Whatsapp shareable- The most famous chat service in the world was not left behind! Using Lynx
you can share you live events with a person or a group on whatsapp.
Karma Points - Karma points is a point manager. Everything you do on Lynx counts for you as
points. These points puts you on a ranking level…more points earned , better ranking position you
Web full application - Are you on a PC? Go ahead and watch all live events from there. Or just
manage your live event chat!
This release of Android App available in 3 variants. Please select the variant to download. Please read our FAQ to find out which variant is suitable for your Android device based on Screen DPI and Processor Architecture.
If you are looking to download other versions of Android App, We have 7 versions in our database. Please select one of them below to download.