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maltapps APK Download for Android
maltapps 3.1.0 Icon
0 Ratings
Feb 28, 2021
release date
15.4 MB
file size

What's New

Updated API level to 34

Updated all dependencies to latest supported for security and compatibility

About maltapps Android App

Il-‘maltapps’ tipprovdi aċċess għas-servizzi tal-Gvern, kullimkien 24 siegħa kuljum.

Dan bħala parti mill-istrateġija ta’ servizz.gov biex iġġib is-servizzi tal-gvern eqreb lejn iċ-ċittadin.

servizz.gov hija l-aġenzija li tiġbor is-servizzi kollha tal-gvern flimkien ma’ ‘maltapps’ li hija l-mService ta’ servizz.gov.

Il-maltapps tipprovdi viżibbiltà u aċċess għall-‘mServices’ kollha ppubblikati mill-Gvern ta’ Malta. Tippermetti lill-utent jelenka s-servizzi kollha ppubblikati kif ukoll il-kapaċità li jinstalla u jniedi l-apps rispettivi, direttament mill-app ‘maltapps’.

Biex niffaċilitaw l-identifikazzjoni tal-‘mServices’, kull servizz ġie kklasifikat taħt 12-il settur, li jirrappreżentaw id-diversi entitajiet u dipartimenti tal-Gvern.


maltapps provides access to government services, anywhere and anytime.

It is part of servizz.gov’s strategy to bring government services closer to the citizen.

Servizz.gov is the agency bringing all government services together with maltapps being the servizz.gov’s mService.

The maltapps provides visibility and access to all Malta Government published mServices. It allows the user to enlist all published mServices as well as the ability to install and launch the respective apps directly from within the maltapps app.

To facilitate the identification of mServices we have classified each service under 12 sectors, representing the various Government entities and departments.

Other Information:

Package Name:
Requires Android:
Android 5.1+ (Lollipop MR1, API 22)
Other Sources:


This version of maltapps Android App comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.

(Feb 28, 2021)
arm64-v8a armeabi armeabi-v7a x86 x86_64
Minimum OS
Android 5.1+ (Lollipop MR1, API 22)
Screen DPI

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nodpi (all screens)