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Masteran Kutilang Emas APK Download for Android
Masteran Kutilang Emas 1.1 Icon

Masteran Kutilang Emas

Lurah APP Music & Audio
13 Ratings
Feb 12, 2019
release date
file size

What's New

tambahan buku panduan perawatan burung kutilang

master kicau kutilang terbaru 2019

About Masteran Kutilang Emas Android App

Burung kutilang adalah salah satu jenis burung yang sangat dengan mudah dapat ditemui di Indonesia, selain itu harga dari burung ini juga bisa dikatakan masih sesuai dengan kantong sehingga banyak orang yang memiliki burung ini sebagai peliharaan dirumahnya. Berikut kami menyajikan kicau master kutilang emas yang sangat ngekek dan gacor serta teler untuk anda.

Yang anda dapat:

- Kicau burung lengkapdan pilihan
- Offline, tidak butuh koneksi internet
- Kicau dapat anda jadikan sebagai ringtone
- Kicau dapat anda jadikan sebagai nada dering default
- Kicau dapat anda jadikan sebagai nada alarm
- Tampilan minimalis dan sederhana dengan tema burung
- Gratis dan akan selamanya gratis
anis kembang, anis merah,
branjangan (Jenislark : blackthroat),
cendet (pentet), ciblek, cililin, cucak ijo, cucak jenggot, cucak rowo,
gelatik, gereja,
kacer, kapas tembak, kenari, kolibri, kutilang,
murai batu,
pancawarna (robin), perkutut, pleci (cici), platuk, poksay,
tengkek buto, tledekan, trucukan,
sirtu (cipo).
cendet, ciblek, cililin, cipoh/sirtu, cucak ijo, cucak jenggot, cucak rowo, decu, glatik, gereja, jalak suren, kacer, kapas tembak, kenari, kolibri, kutilang, lovebird, murai batu, pancawarna, perkutut, platuk, pleci/cici, poksay,
tengkek buto, tledekan gunung, trucukan.
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Fiture aplikasi :
- Memutar suara kicau Burung
- Nada dering, sms, kontak dan alarm (tekan lama pada mp3)
- Tips Perawatan, Memilih Burung, Penaganan Ketika Drop dan Persiapan Lomba Burung Murai Batu
- Stop, Shuffle, Repeat
- Konten dalam Aplikasi bisa dibagikan dengan Fitur ShareFinches are one species of birds that very easily can be found in Indonesia, in addition to the price of these birds can also be said to be still in accordance with the bag, so many people have these birds as pets at home. Here we present a gold finches chirping master very ngekek and gacor and stoned for you.

That you can:

- Birds chirping lengkapdan selection
- Offline, do not need an internet connection
- Chirping can you make as a ringtone
- Chirping can you make as a default ringtone
- Chirping you can make as an alarm tone
- minimalist and simple look with a bird theme
- Internet and will be forever free
anise flower, red anise,
branjangan (Jenislark: blackthroat)
cendet (pentet), ciblek, Cililin, cucak green, cucak beard, cucak rowo,
Wren, the church,
kacer, firing cotton, walnuts, hummingbirds, finches,
love Bird,
magpie stone,
PANCAWARNA (robin), turtledove, pleci (cici), platuk, poksay,
tengkek Buto, tledekan, trucukan,
sirtu (Cipo).
cendet, ciblek, Cililin, cipoh / sirtu, cucak green, cucak beard, cucak rowo, decu, glatik, churches, starlings suren, kacer, cotton shoot, walnuts, hummingbirds, finches, lovebird, magpie stone, PANCAWARNA, turtledove, platuk, pleci / cici, poksay,
tengkek Buto, tledekan mountain, trucukan.
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om chirping canaries
rock sound of chirping magpie
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Feature applications:
- Play the sound of chirping birds
- Ring tones, text messages, contacts and alarm (long press on mp3)
- Care Tips, Choosing Bird, penaganan When Drop and Murai Batu Bird Contest Preparation
- Stop, Shuffle, Repeat
- Content in the application can be shared with Share feature

Other Information:

Requires Android:
Android 4.1 and up
Other Sources:


This version of Masteran Kutilang Emas Android App comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.

(Feb 12, 2019)

Warning: Undefined array key "ar" in /home/apkapps/web/jetapk.com/public_html/template/PageApp.php on line 211

Deprecated: explode(): Passing null to parameter #2 ($string) of type string is deprecated in /home/apkapps/web/jetapk.com/public_html/template/PageApp.php on line 211
Minimum OS
Android 4.1 and up
Screen DPI

Warning: Undefined array key "dp" in /home/apkapps/web/jetapk.com/public_html/template/PageApp.php on line 222
nodpi (all screens)

All Versions

If you are looking to download other versions of Masteran Kutilang Emas Android App, We have 1 version in our database. Please select one of them below to download.

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