Some display problems on some devices have been solved.
The score is more easily readable and help menu is updated.
Android 12 compatible
Multiple-choice questionnaire (Quizzes), tests and games for revising and reviewing multiplication tables.
This version weighs 13 M and contains only 720p resolution background images.
Like all my applications, this application respects the 4 following conditions :
1) This application is totally free in full version.
2) There will never be a Freemium version and there will never be a version with charged In-app Products and
3) There's no interstitial ad and there's only a non-intrusive banner ad.
4) All the future updates of this app will respect the 3 previous conditions.
If you have a tablet, a telephone with a really good resolution screen (qhd or 4k) , I recommend you the version below although the Lite version is supposed to work on those machines.
This version weighs 18 M.
Math Ninja Vs Multiplication Lite
If you have a tablet, a telephone with a normal resolution screen ( about 640x400 ) or if you lack of space for those versions, I recommend you the version below although the Lite version is supposed to work on those machines.
This version weighs 7 M.
Math Ninja Vs Multiplication Super Lite
This version of Math Ninja Vs Multiplication L Android App comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.
If you are looking to download other versions of Math Ninja Vs Multiplication L Android App, We have 2 versions in our database. Please select one of them below to download.