Practical travel guide with detailed information like attractions, getting around for each district of Malacca City. You can enjoy unlimited navigation features with no hidden costs. Simply download and try Melaka Walks for free.
Maps and guide content are fully downloaded and stored on your device. All features, such as address searches and your GPS location also work offline and without data roaming.
Melaka Walks bring exclusive travel utilities that reduce travel planning hassles and make the experience fun and memorable.
Walking tours included in this application are:
• Cultural Tour (8 sights)
• Food and Beverage (11 sights)
• Historical places (7 sights)
• Old Melaka Riverside Trip (8 sights)
This complimentary app is brought to you by Hotel Puri Melaka - Serenity in the Heart of Historic Melaka. Visit us at
This version of Melaka Walks Android App comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.
If you are looking to download other versions of Melaka Walks Android App, We have 1 version in our database. Please select one of them below to download.