bugs removed,enhanced version
Stylish , Powerful and Fast Music Player with elegant design . mp lets you manage all your music files quickly and easily .This Music Player supports almost all types of mp3 , midi ,wav , flac raw aac files and other audio formats,even mp4 files as audio . Easily browse and play music songs by albums , artists , videos .
This Music Player isn't complete yet.
More features are yet to be added.
This Music Player is under development so If you find a bug or if music player crashes make sure you let us know ,and give us a chance to fix it, before giving us a bad review.
If you have a feature to request or a bug to report ,please submit your request at : strontiumlabs@gmail.com
Thank you
@Music,strontium labs
All images are used from www.iconfinder.com and www.pexels.com which has icons and images free for commercial use
This version of Mewzik Android App comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.
If you are looking to download other versions of Mewzik Android App, We have 1 version in our database. Please select one of them below to download.