- Optionally vibrates when planting flags
- Automatically moves field
- Fixed saving volume
- Improved gesture handling
- Improved replay/retry by resetting 'Plant flag' mode and keeping current zoom level.
- Now it's possible to post your statstics onine and see online leaderboards of all statistics
The classic mine sweeper designed for Android devices. Now you can use pinch zoom and slide to move the field around to your liking.
The objective is to uncover all safe tiles without uncovering any mine. An uncovered tile will show the number of mines that are adjacent to it. By thinking logically, and a bit of luck, you should be able to uncover all safe tiles. If you think there's is a mine under a tile, it's possible to plant a flag on that tile to indicate there's a mine. This has the additional benefit that you cannot uncover the tile by accident.
You can choose between 3 standard games:
- 10x10 tiles
- 20x20 tiles
- 40x40 tiles
Or a custom game between 10x10 and 100x100 tiles with the number of mines varying between 10% and 60%. You can choose a form that suits your device best (e.g. 20x30 tiles).
- Tap on an unopened tile to reveal what's underneath. (Try to make sure it's not a mine.)
- LongTap on an unopened tile to place a flag (to indicate you think there's a mine).
- LongTap on a flag to remove it.
- DoubleTap or LongTap on an opened tile to open adjacent tiles. This only works if all the adjacent mines have been located.
- Volume up or down places the game in 'Flag mode', which is shown by the red scorebar. In this mode, a tap functions as a longtap. The 'Flag mode' is turned off by pressing the volume button again.
- Set volume level.
- Set player's name (max 20 chars). This is used when posting statistics online (see below).
- Show initial safe tile that does not contain a mine. This tile is shown as a green tile.
- By setting 'Move playfield automatically' to on, the game will move the field when you're playing near the edge of the screen.
- By setting 'Allow flinging' to on, you can fling the field around. NOTE: This does not work correctly on all devices.
- Vibrate with flag. This will cause the device to vibrate (if the device is capable to) when planting a flag.
The statistics show your accomplishments so far like:
- Biggest board ever played
- Number of games played
- Number of games finished successfully
- Biggest percentage of mines ever played (and solved)
- Highest speed of uncovering mines
By clicking on a statistic, you can post it online. You can add a comment (max. 50 chars). NOTE: Only scores higher than zero can be posted onine.
By long-clicking on a statistic, you can see the online leaderboard for that statistic.
Have fun!
This version of Mines (A.k.a. Mine sweeper) Android Game comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.
If you are looking to download other versions of Mines (A.k.a. Mine sweeper) Android Game, We have 1 version in our database. Please select one of them below to download.