Establecer el Reino de Dios con la Palabra de Fe de acuerdo al modelo bíblico de Hebreos 6:7 "Y CRECÍA LA PALABRA DEL SEÑOR y el NUMERO DE LOS DISCÍPULOS se MULTIPLICABA GRANDEMENTE..."
Para después según seamos guiados por el Señor, enviar al cuerpo de Cristo al campo Ministerial , como casa por casa, visitas, hospitales, evangelismo personal, grupos de células y finalmente Pastores Asociados a otras ciudades y poblados, Pastores con llamado, maduros, ungidos por El Señor, NO niños inmaduros, emocionales, y religiosos, que la prioridad sea la Palabra y que su comportamiento sea en linea con la visión de este Ministerio.
In this app you can find:
Acerca de Nosotros, Contactanos, Mapa, Sucursales, Página web, Radio en Linea, Transmisión en Vivo, Socios en la Fe, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Video, Eventos, TiendaOUR VISION
Establish the Kingdom of God with the Word of Faith according to the biblical model of Hebrews 6: 7 "And the word of the Lord and the number of the disciples multiplied GREATLY ..."
Then as we are guided by the Lord to send the body of Christ to the Ministerial field as house to house visits, hospitals, personal evangelism, groups of cells and finally Associate Pastors to other cities and towns, Pastors called mature, anointed for the Lord, not immature, emotional, religious and children, the priority is the Word and that their behavior is in line with the vision of this Ministry.
In this app you can find:
About Us, Contact Us, Map, branches, website, online radio, live broadcast, Partners in Faith, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Video, Events, Shop
This version of Ministerios Palabra de Fe Android App comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.
If you are looking to download other versions of Ministerios Palabra de Fe Android App, We have 1 version in our database. Please select one of them below to download.