With your medical qualification in the emergency services, fire departments, medical services of aid organizations, as a health care worker and nurse, as a doctor or physician:
- Become part of the new medical first aid network as a Fast Responder to improve emergency medical care!
- For emergencies in your immediate environment.
Despite an extremely well-structured rescue service with a dense network of rescue stations, valuable minutes pass after the emergency call is received at the control centers before the first rescue teams arrive. Minutes that can decide everything.
When the emergency call is received by the rescue control center, the Fast Responders-System finds the nearest available, qualified first-aider - and alerts him or her!
The Fast Responder is now quickly navigated to the emergency location - with the address and route description - and initiates the necessary first-aid until the simultaneously alarmed rescue service arrives.
The Fast Responders project has been successfully supporting the emergency services for over 7 years and has already saved many lives. First-aiders or further interested cities inform themselves under: www.fast-responders.com
The use of the Fast Responders-App requires registration, as well as an instruction course in which the first aider is prepared for his mission.
This release of Fast Responders Android App available in 3 variants. Please select the variant to download. Please read our FAQ to find out which variant is suitable for your Android device based on Screen DPI and Processor Architecture.
If you are looking to download other versions of Fast Responders Android App, We have 10 versions in our database. Please select one of them below to download.