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Murottal Muzammil Offline MP3 APK Download for Android
Murottal Muzammil Offline MP3 1.0 Icon

Murottal Muzammil Offline MP3

Andromediatama Music & Audio
2 Ratings
Oct 06, 2017
release date
45.7 MB
file size

What's New

Murottal Muzammil Offline MP3

About Murottal Muzammil Offline MP3 Android App

Muzammil Hasballah adalah Mahasiswa Teknik Arsitektur Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) angkatan 2011. Muzammil membaca Al Quran dengan suara merdu dan fasih sehingga dipercaya menjadi imam Masjid Al Lathif Bandung dan Masjid Salman ITB. Lulus dari jurusan arsitektur Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) tahun 2015, Muzammil kini sudah bekerja di sebuah perusahaan swasta.

Muzammil Hasballah dilahirkan di Sigli pada 21 September 1993 di Desa Paya Tijue, Kemukiman Gampong Lhang, Kecamatan Pidie. Dia bungsu dari tiga bersaudara dari pasangan Drs H Hasballah Usman (alm) dan Dra Hj Hasnidar Sulaiman. Ayahnya terakhir kali menjabat Kepala SMA di Pidie. Sedangkan ibundanya guru Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) yang kini juga sudah pensiun.

Sejak kecil Muzammil sangat disiplin dengan waktu. Muzammil sangat pengertian dan disiplin dalam menjaga waktu apalagi hari mengajinya. Bahkan pernah suatu ketika saat Muzammil masih di MIN, seorang ustaz memberitahukan kepada ibunya bahwa Muzammil sangat pintar mengaji dan suaranya merdu. Sehingga Muzammil kemudian belajar mengaji di Madrasah Ulumul Quran (MUQ) di Tijue. Siang harinya Muzammil baru bersekolah di SMP YPPU Sigli, sedangkan malamnya Muzammil mengaji di MUQ. Begitu terus menerus hingga pada akhirnya dia tidak pernah lepas dari kegiatan menghafal Alquran.

Awalnya prestasi Muzammil didapat sejak ia duduk di kelas 5 MIN, saat itu ia mengikuti MTQ dan berhasil meraih juara harapan. Kemudian ia beberapa kali ikut lomba tahfiz dan Ada di antaranya juara II tahfiz 10 juz pada tahun 2008.

Kemudian saat Muzammil Hasballah melanjutkan kuliahnya di Teknik Arsitektur Institut Teknologi Bandung ia mendapat kepercayaan untuk menjadi imam di Masjid Salman, Kompleks Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB).

Karena memiliki suara yang merdu saat melantunkan ayat suci Alquran, ia mendapat banyak pujian dari netizen dan dari seorang Imam Besar Masjidil Haram yaitu Syekh Adel Al kabani.‪ bahkan banyak dari mereka (netizen) yang tak mengerti arti bacaannya pun, begitu terbuasi oleh kefasihannya dalam melantunkan ayat suci Alquran tersebut.

Penasaran dengan suara merdu muzammil ? telah kami kumpulkan Murottal Muzammil Offline MP3 lengkap untuk anda dengarkan dirumah, atau dimanapun, dan kapan saja.

Murottal Muzammil Offline MP3 lengkap tersedia dalam versi offline yang tentunya akan menghemat kuota anda. Lihatlah ! Murottal Muzammil Offline MP3 dalam genggaman anda. Muzammil Hasballah is Architectural Engineering Students Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) class of 2011. Muzammil reading the Quran in a melodious voice and fluent thus believed to be the imam of Masjid Al Latif and Masjid Salman ITB Bandung. Graduated from the architecture department of the Institute of Technology Bandung (ITB) 2015, Muzammil is now working in a private company.

Muzammil Hasballah in Sigli was born on September 21, 1993 in the village of Paya Tijue, Kemukiman Gampong Lhang, Pidie district. He was the youngest of three children of the couple Drs H Hasballah Usman (late) and Dra Hj Sulaiman Hasnidar. The last time his father served as the Head of School in Pidie. Meanwhile, his mother a teacher Madrasah Aliyah (MAN), which now also retired.

Since childhood Muzammil very disciplined with time. Muzammil very understanding and discipline in much less time keeping mengajinya day. Even once a time when Muzammil still in MIN, ust tell the mother that Muzammil very smart Koran and melodious voice. So Muzammil later learned reading the Quran Ulumul Madrasah (MUQ) in Tijue. Later in the day the new Muzammil YPPU junior high school in Sigli, whereas the Koran in MUQ Muzammil night. So continuously until finally he is never separated from the activities of memorizing the Qur'an.

Initially Muzammil achievements obtained since he sat in class 5 MIN, then he followed the MTQ and won a championship expectations. Then he had several times in the race Tahfiz and There in between the second winner Tahfiz 10 chapters in 2008.

Then when Muzammil Hasballah continued his studies at the Architectural Engineering Institute of Technology Bandung he gained the confidence to become a priest in the Salman Mosque Complex Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB).

Because it has a melodious voice when reciting the holy Koran, he gets a lot of praise from netizens and of the high priest Haram namely Syekh Adel Al Kabani, even many of them (netizens) who does not understand the meaning of reading matter, so terbuasi by his fluency in reciting the holy Koran.

Intrigued by the melodious voice Muzammil? we have collected a complete MP3 Offline Muzammil Murottal to you listen to at home, or anywhere, and anytime.

Offline Muzammil Murottal complete MP3 available in the offline version, which would certainly save your quota. Look! Offline Muzammil Murottal MP3 in your hand.

Other Information:

Requires Android:
Android 4.0.3+ (Ice Cream Sandwich MR1, API 15)
Other Sources:


This version of Murottal Muzammil Offline MP3 Android App comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.

(Oct 06, 2017)
Minimum OS
Android 4.0.3+ (Ice Cream Sandwich MR1, API 15)
Screen DPI

Warning: Undefined array key "dp" in /home/apkapps/web/jetapk.com/public_html/template/PageApp.php on line 222
nodpi (all screens)

All Versions

If you are looking to download other versions of Murottal Muzammil Offline MP3 Android App, We have 1 version in our database. Please select one of them below to download.
