NEXFIT On Demand nasce dall’esperienza ventennale del gruppo NEXFIT nel campo del Fitness.
In questi anni sono state migliaia le persone che si sono allenate nei nostri centri.
La gente che si allena in NEXFIT ci ha confermato per il terzo anno consecutivo il Network di Centri Fitness con le recensioni positive più alte in Italia.
Cosa puoi fare con NEXFIT On Demand?
Abbiamo 2 soluzioni, una Gratuita e una versione in Abbonamento.
La versione Gratuita ti permetterà di avere 2 corsi Aggiornati ogni trimestre
Richiedere lezioni con Personal Trainer per allenarti quando vuoi.
NEXFIT On Demand was born from the twenty-year experience of the NEXFIT group in the field of Fitness.
In recent years, thousands of people have trained in our centers.
The people who train at NEXFIT have confirmed for the third consecutive year the Network of Fitness Centers with the highest positive reviews in Italy .
What can you do with NEXFIT On Demand ?
We have 2 solutions, a Free and a Subscription version.
The Free version will allow you to have 2 courses Updated every quarter
Request lessons with Personal Trainer to train whenever you want.
This version of NEXFIT On Demand Android App comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.
If you are looking to download other versions of NEXFIT On Demand Android App, We have 1 version in our database. Please select one of them below to download.