Added Turkish language support.
Safety Compliance is the key to Workplace Safety.
Not having your workplace safety in order is like playing Russian Roulette - if something happens and compliance issues are not in order you could face serious criminal charges with potential large fines and, in some jurisdictions, even imprisonment.
Arm yourself with the EasyOHS Compliance Survey and find out, very easily, exactly where your company stands with regard to Workplace Safety and Compliance Legislation in most jurisdictions throughout the world.
It produces a colourful graph that gives you very visible evidence of where your compliance level is and easily lets you see what needs to be done to bring your compliance into line with the regulations and create a safer workplace.
It is the perfect companion for Safety Consultants who are visiting potential clients to quickly establish the current safety level in those workplaces and the colourful graph makes it easy to explain why your services might be needed.
The results are weighted so that qualifications with greater impact on workplace safety contribute accordingly to give you a real picture of the current position.
This is the FREE version which allows you to produce a colourful graph of the results of the survey and attach built-in advice for each area surveyed. That is all produced as a PDF file which can be emailed direct from the application to the person responsible for the Occupational Health and Safety in the company.
The PRO version, following soon, will have much greater functionality.
Save and re-call client information.
Store full client details in a database for future recall.
Re-call past surveys for individual clients.
Track and report on survey trends.
Add your own notes for each question to be printed with the result or just for future reference.
Choose whether to print those notes with the survey result.
Store and re-call Auditor records so that more than one auditor can use the application.
And much more.
Other Apps coming soon include:
Risk Calculator
Accident/Incident Reports
Hazard Reports
Risk Register
Safe Work Procedures
Software developed by Shane Shields and Gary O'Connor
Contact EasyOHS for more information.
This version of OH&S SAFETY COMPLIANCE SURVEY Android App comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.
If you are looking to download other versions of OH&S SAFETY COMPLIANCE SURVEY Android App, We have 1 version in our database. Please select one of them below to download.