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As being an examination portal Okuloskop can easily carry out optical reading, exam analysis, exam sharing and parent informing process.
Live Lessons
You can connect to live lectures using the Zoom infrastructure and take attendance using the Okuloskop application, and evaluate student performance. Details on our facebook page ..
Distance Learning
You can send an exam to your students as homework from Okuloskop. Students will be able to evaluate the teacher on Okuloskop after solving the exam and recording their answers with the Pekiyi application. Details on our facebook page ..
Data Sharing
With the school management system, class, student, course and exam information prepared by one of the teachers can be used by other teachers in the same school
Parent Informing
The exam results and analysis of students can be transmitted and displayed as a notification immediately to parents who have applied the application named PEKIYI. The results can also be sent via SMS.
P.S.: SMS sending via GSM has been disable becouse of Google Play security rules. You can download SMS enabled versions from
Optical Reading and Exam Analysis
A successful optical reading system and effortless analysis make it easy for our teachers to do the exam work.
Offline Capabilities
Even though the Okuloskop data is stored on the internet, many processes can be performed without using the internet by using your device's cache.
This release of Okuloskop Android App available in 3 variants. Please select the variant to download. Please read our FAQ to find out which variant is suitable for your Android device based on Screen DPI and Processor Architecture.
If you are looking to download other versions of Okuloskop Android App, We have 10 versions in our database. Please select one of them below to download.