- Encoding algorithm completely redesigned: now it's a lot faster and the user can specify a password
- New and simpler user interface
- Code refactored in its entirety
Steganography is a technique with the ambition to conceal secret information into other information apparently innocuous.
The basic workflow is the following:
1. Select an image
2. Choose a password
3. Type the message or open a text file
4. Launch the encoding process
5. Share with a friend the image along with the password
In order to preserve the information it is mandatory that the image is not compressed in any way, otherwise the information WILL BE LOST. With the default settings sharing it using a chat service should be fine.
To read the message your friend has to:
1. Tap the DECODE tab
2. Open the image with the message encoded
3. Type in the the password
4. Launch the decoding
5. The message will pop up and will be possible to copy it
6. The message will pop up below and will be possible to copy it
This app origins from the assignment for the Multimedia Apps and Future Internet course of the University of Genoa, Electronic Engineering and Information Technology.
The work is completely open source, you can find the source code following the link that is here somewhere or just look for OlimexSmart on GitHub.
Special thanks to Claudio Martino and Edoardo Lorenzetti.
This version of Olmaredo Steganography Android App comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.
If you are looking to download other versions of Olmaredo Steganography Android App, We have 3 versions in our database. Please select one of them below to download.