- Few Cosmetic Changes
When you are running a online store, It is difficult to monitor your online store all the time. So here is the simple way to track your online store, OSC MageAdmin Mobile App for Magento.
It allows you to monitor your store remotely. It is one of the latest Mobile App for Magento which will help you to track your real time store data, like today's sales, new order, new customer, stock alert..... many more. Easiest and simplest way to keep eye on your e-store.
This app also supports Multi store feature.
Overview Report:
• Display the collation of Today's Sales, Today's Order, All Orders (Configurable).
• Shows the number of new Customers (Configurable) and All Customers.
• Displays sales report of a store.
• Easy access to all the detailed reports.
Order Report:
• List of New Orders.
• Order based on Date range and their status in the chronological order are shown.
• Order details such as customer information, address, item, quantity, price are shown.
Customer Report:
• Display new customer list.
• Display Detailed Customer Information along with the Order information
• Customers details like name, phone no, email id, address, number of orders and their order time.
Stock Alert Report:
• Display the information of product stock quantity which have in critical stage.
Today's Sales:
• Get the information of individual Order Sales and Total Order Sale of Current Date.
• Total number of order on the current date and their detailed information are shown.
Abandoned Orders:
• In this section you can see the Abandoned cart details.
Site Health:
• To help you identify and prioritize the most important issues on your site, app gives notifications on your phone whenever app health monitor detect certain problems or issues like CUP usage, size of log table, Cron job and Indexing.
i) Whether the Web-Site is running or Not
ii) Unusual CPU/Memory/Network usage. (Only for dedicated Server)
iii) Status/Alert related to Indexer processing.
iv) How many users Online?
v) Monitor scheduled tasks(Cron jobs)
vi) Database log table related status
Multi store:
• App helps you to monitor store wise above features by selecting one of store from your multi stores.
Users Online
• App shows count of real time online users on the website.
You can download the latest version of Mobile Assistant Connector module at:
See User Guide:
If you you have any Queries or Feature Suggestions, please contact us at:
Email us at: sales@oscprofessionals.com
This version of OSC MageAdmin Android App comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.
If you are looking to download other versions of OSC MageAdmin Android App, We have 3 versions in our database. Please select one of them below to download.