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Panduan Sholat Jenazah 1.0.0 APK Download for Android
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Panduan Sholat Jenazah

Muslim Media Books & Reference
4 Ratings
Mar 10, 2018
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8.5 MB
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Home » Do'a » Sholat » Tata Cara Dan Do'a Sholat Jenazah Lengkap
Tata Cara Dan Do'a Sholat Jenazah Lengkap
Unknown Sabtu, 02 Februari 2013 Do'a, Sholat

Sholat Jenazah

Rukun, syarat, panduan tatacara sholat jenazah atau sholat mayit dibawah ini adalah sudah kami ringkas, dan kami lengkapi dengan beberapa dalil hadits dari Nabi SAW, rukun Shalat Jenazah terdiri dari 8 rukun dan Hukum menjalankannya adalah "Fardhu Kifayah" artinya jika tidak ada yang menjalankan, semua akan berdosa. Shalat ini gak memakai ruku’, sujud, i’tidal dan tahiyyat, hanya dengan 4 takbir dan 2 salam, yang dilakukan dalam keadaan berdiri.

Pengertian Shalat Jenazah ialah Shalat yg dikerjakan sebanyak 4 kali takbir yg dikerjakan saat ada seorang muslim yang meninggal dunia karena setiap orang muslim yg meninggal dunia perlu dimandikan dan di Shalati terlebih dahulu sebelum jazadnya dimakamkan. Untuk Hukum Shalat Jenazah ini sendiri adalah Fardu Kifayah atau kewajiban yg ditunjukan kpd orang banyak (muslim) tetapi bila sebagian sdh melaksanakan Shalat maka gugurlah kewajiban bagi yg lainnya.

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Procedures And Complete The body Prayer Benediction
Unknown Saturday, February 2nd, 2013 Prayer, Prayer

The body prayer

Pillars, requirements, guidelines procedures prayers bodies or prayer deceased below is already our brief, and we are equipped with some of the arguments of the hadith of the Prophet, harmonious Salah's body was composed of eight pillars and the Law of running is "Fard Kifayah" meaning that if nothing is running , all would sin. Salah is not wearing bowing, prostration, i'tidal and tahiyyat, only with four takbir and 2 greeting, which is done in a state of standing.

 The body of Salah Salah understanding tillage is 4 times magnification tillage when there is a Muslim who died of any Muslim person who died need to be bathed and in Shalati before his body was buried. Prayers for bodies of law itself is Fardu Kifayah or obligation kpd indicated that many (Muslims), but if the majority SDH Salah then gugurlah obligation to implement any others.

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Requires Android:
Android 4.1+ (Jelly Bean, API 16)
Other Sources:


This version of Panduan Sholat Jenazah Android App comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.

(Mar 10, 2018)
Minimum OS
Android 4.1+ (Jelly Bean, API 16)
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Warning: Undefined array key "dp" in /home/apkapps/web/jetapk.com/public_html/template/PageApp.php on line 222
nodpi (all screens)

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