P.B. Siddhartha College of Arts & Science Training & Placement Cell:
Despite the globally acknowledged high standards of Indian education, the Indian youth often is at a disadvantage in the employment scenario. Our high-quality Indian education system provides the best in terms of technical education, but often falls short in developing those critical skills needed to excel in the selection tests and in today's global work scenario. Today's typical employer is looking for much more than technical skills that encompass analytical skills, abilities to comprehend complex situations, communicate articulately and assert when needed. Today's employee must adapt well to a multi-cultural work space and be able to synergize group effort towards achievement of goals.
It is generally recognized by several industries including IT, Telecom and Services that amongst the repertoire of competencies that successful entry level employees bring to the work place, soft-skills rates as highly critical. A survey of employers across the industry spectrum indicated that apart from speaking, reading, listening and writing (or essentially strong communication skills), critical success parameters included adaptability to cross cultural environments (adjudged by creative thinking and problem solving), personal management with assertiveness and initiative, interpersonal skills and ability to work in teams.
There is an acknowledged gap between skills that students acquire as a result of the academic programs and those that are required to succeed in a work environment. Our Training and Placement Cell is intended to inculcate those skills in students that give them the competitive advantage during recruitment drives.
Key features:
Focus on all aspects of English communication (Speaking, Listening, reading and Writing).
Regular assessments.
Curriculum for aptitude designed based on assessments conducted by the Corporate Sector.
Liaising with reputed Indian companies and MNCs to hold campus recruitments.
Personalized feedback.
Blended learning model for English programs.
Application based pedagogy for soft skill modules.
The placement cell of our college conducted campus training programs and bank recruitment training programs.
This version of PBSC T&P CELL Android App comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.
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