Peta Wisata Jogja dengan peta interaktif, meliputi: peta jalan, obyek wisata, hotel, restoran dan kafe, biro wisata. Ada pula direktori tempat wisata, tempat makan, hostel, hotel murah, hotel melati, villa, guest house / homestay, rental mobil / bus, biro wisata, dan toko oleh-oleh; seluruhnya berjumlah lebih dari 200 tempat yang dilengkapi alamat, nomor telepon, dan deskripsi singkat. Selain itu tersedia juga informasi nomor telepon penting di Kota Jogja dan panduan wisata naik Bus Trans Jogja yang murah dan ber-AC.
Kami membuat peta wisata ini dengan sungguh-sungguh. Infografisnya didesain menarik dan dilengkapi foto-foto terbaik. Lipatannya dibuat agar peta ini mudah dibawa-bawa sekaligus mudah dibuka untuk melihat peta jalan Kota Jogja. Kami berharap setelah traveling di Yogyakarta, peta ini tidak dibuang begitu saja. Peta ini bisa diberikan kepada teman yang membutuhkannya, disimpan sebagai kenang-kenangan, atau ditempel di dinding kamar sebagai pajangan (reuse). Seperti kata orang, "You know you're a traveler when... you collect maps of places you've been to."Map Visit Yogyakarta with an interactive map, include: road maps, attractions, hotels, restaurants and cafes, tourist bureau. There is also a directory of tourist attractions, places to eat, hostels, cheap hotels, budget hotels, villas, guest house / homestay, rental car / bus, travel agents, and souvenir shops; totaling more than 200 places are equipped with address, phone number, and a brief description. Also available is information important phone numbers in Jogja and travel guides Trans Jogja bus ride is cheap and air-conditioned.
We make this tour map in earnest. Infografisnya-designed and equipped with the best photos. Pleats are made so that the map is easy to carry around easily opened at the same time to see the roadmap Jogja. We hope that after traveling in Yogyakarta, this map is not thrown away. This map can be given to friends who need them, kept as a memento, or taped to the walls of the room as a display (reuse). As they say, "You know you're a traveler when ... you collect maps of places you've been to."
This version of Peta Wisata Jogja Android App comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.
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