- Improved a bluetooth connection for users with the latest Android version.
*** Please allow 'picohome app' to find, connect to and determine the relative position of nearby devices.
- Changed the font size on the main page.
- You can confirm the macaddress of device when connect device via bluetooth only.
- Fixed an issue that occurred in the graph.
- Bug fixes and enhancement.
- If you have any problems, please contact the 'PiCOHOME' team. (cs@brilcom.com)
Your PiCOHOME is a smart sensor that monitors air quality.
PiCOHOME monitors various living environments relating to air quality in real-time, and accurately measures fine particles, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), temperature, humidity, carbon dioxide (CO2) level.
PiCOHOME’s mobile app provides accessible monitoring for air quality and recommendations for a healthier living environment based on current air quality.
We hope you and your family stay safe and healthy with PiCOHOME!
Visit our website to learn more: www.brilcom.com
This version of PiCOHOME Android App comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.
If you are looking to download other versions of PiCOHOME Android App, We have 10 versions in our database. Please select one of them below to download.