Update Map 05x05 [105~114]
Update Map 10x10 [204~229]
Update Map 15x15 [183~217]
Update Map 20x20 [136~172]
Picross is the most popular application to solve logic puzzles also known as nonogram , griddlers.
The goal of Picross is to find out the positions of balck or colored blocks using number hints in the white grid.
The resulting soution of the puzzle is an image.
< How to play >
As the number of rows and columns to find the consecutive blocks.
If more than one number, you have more than one space between the number and the number.
The game will end as it finds a block of rows and columns, all numbers.
* You can find more information about Picross : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Picross
< Features >
. Many of puzzles and neverending updates.
. 5x5, 10x10, 15x15, 20x20 game providing. (Big & Special image providing)
. Provide hints and checked bonus.
. The biggest and best Picture Cross game.
. Auto update image puzzle.
. Auto save support
. Total stage box, Remain stage box, Clear stage box providing.
. Scroll view, Index view mode providing,
. Various options
- Sound On/Off
- Effect On/Off
- Block auto check & auto fill option
- Button position support
Try increasing your IQ.
Have Fun
* If you send me a stage or picture to kabdols1@gmail.com, then i will update.
* This picross is difficult.
This version of Picross 2018 ( Nonogram ) Android Game comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.
If you are looking to download other versions of Picross 2018 ( Nonogram ) Android Game, We have 8 versions in our database. Please select one of them below to download.