* Click our user/mobile friendly website → https://www.Propertindo123.com/register/ and no interrupting ads (recommended)
* we are developing new app applied other app maker platform (no interrupting ads)
Direktori & Portal Properti Indonesia
- Iklan & Listing | Jual ~ Beli ~ Sewa ~ Primary ~ Lelang
- Membuatkan Aplikasi dan 360 View & Virtual Reality Projek Properti
Propertindo 123 mempermudah Anda dalam mencari (jual, beli & sewa) dan mempromosikan (listing & iklan) Properti di Indonesia secara online untuk:
- Residensial (rumah, apartemen, kondominium, vila, tanah residensial, dll)
- Komersial (pabrik, gudang, ruko, soho, ruang usaha/kantor/pamer, tanah komersial/industri, dll)
- Produk "real estate developer" (properti baru atau primary property)
Website Propertindo 123 di-develop khusus untuk “Portal & Direktori Properti” menggunakan teknologi portal terkini dengan fitur lengkap & bermanfaat untuk membantu mempermudah listing dan pencarian listing baik untuk jual, beli, sewa, lelang ataupun iklan dan di-design fleksibel untuk dapat dipergunakan oleh users seperti property agent, real estate developer, bank KPR, investor, buyer atau seller properti dengan berbagai ragam listing, al: secondary listing (properti second), primary listing (properti baru) dan forclosure listing (properti lelang).
1) Registrasi, cukup isi email, username & password
2) Login, pilih paket yang diinginkan (free atau premium)
3) Siap Listing, masukan data/foto/video propertinya
Silahkan registrasi akun dan listingkan rumah atau properti Anda sekarang di PROPERTINDO 123. Mudah, Simpel, Praktis dan dapatkan FREE Listing!
Website: http://www.Propertindo123.com/
Customer Support: cs@propertindo123.com* We are developing new app platform applied maker of the app (no ads interrupting)
Listings & Property Portal Indonesia
- Advertising & Commercial | Sell ~ Buy ~ Rental ~ Primary ~ Auction
- making applications and 360 View & Virtual Reality Property Project
Propertindo 123 makes it easier to search for (the sale, purchase and rental) and promote (listing & advertising) in Indonesian property online to:
- Residential (houses, apartments, condominiums, villas, residential land, etc.)
- Commercial (factory, warehouse, shop, soho, business space / office / showroom, land commercial / industrial, etc.)
- Product "real estate developer" (a new property or a primary property)
Website Propertindo 123-develop specifically for the "Portal & Directory Property" using portal technology with the latest full-featured and useful to help facilitate the listing and the search for good listings to sell, buy, lease, auction, or ads and in-design is flexible to be used by users such as property agents, real estate developers, mortgage banks, investor, buyer or seller properties with a wide range of listings, al: secondary listings (second property), with primary listings (new property) and forclosure listing (property auction).
1) Registration, please fill in the email, username and password
2) Log in, choose the desired packages (free or premium)
3) Ready Listing, input data / photo / video properties
Please register an account and listingkan your home or property in PROPERTINDO 123. Easy, Simple, Practical and get FREE Listing!
HAPPY LISTING & Promoting (^_^)
Website: http://www.Propertindo123.com/
Customer Support: cs@propertindo123.com
This version of PROPERTINDO 123 Android App comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.
If you are looking to download other versions of PROPERTINDO 123 Android App, We have 7 versions in our database. Please select one of them below to download.