Moška tema – preverite zdravje vaše prostate!
Benigna hiperplazija prostate (BHP) ali nenevarno povečanje prostate je tema, o kateri moški neradi spregovorijo. S pomočjo te aplikacije boste lahko preprosto in povsem diskretno dobili prvo oceno zdravja vaše prostate.
S tem vprašalnikom, ki ga je potrdila Svetovna zdravstvena organizacija (WHO), izveste, v kakšnem stanju je vaša prostata in kako ob tem ravnati.
S pomočjo merilne posodice in te aplikacije lahko doma sami opravite meritev pretoka urina in ocenite, koliko je vaša prostata povečana. S pomočjo dobljenega rezultata bo zdravnik ali farmacevt lahko podal prvo oceno težav s prostato.
S pomočjo dnevnika lahko zdravje prostate opazujete tudi skozi daljše obdobje in po potrebi poiščete strokovno pomoč.
Tu boste našli poglobljene informacije o zdravju.
Lekarne in specializirane prodajalne
S pomočjo iskalnika lahko kadarkoli poiščete vam najbližjo lekarno ali specializirano prodajalno, kjer vas čaka kakovosten nasvet. V začetni fazi lahko rast nenevarno povečane prostate zelo preprosto omejite.
Cilj in namen uporabe aplikacije
Prostata je organ v velikosti kostanja, ki obdaja sečnico. Ker se nahaja neposredno pod sečnim mehurjem, jo imenujemo tudi obsečnica. Povečanje prostate se lahko zaradi hormonskih sprememb postopno začne pojavljati že pri 40. letih.
Benigna hiperplazija prostate prizadane skoraj polovico moških po 50. letu. Pri 50 letih ima težave skoraj polovica moških, med 60. in 70. letom pa ima težave z nenevarnim povečanjem prostate celo 75 % vseh moških.Men theme - check out the health of your prostate!
Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) or benign enlargement of the prostate is a subject on which men are reluctant to speak out. With this application you can easily and completely discreet get a first assessment of the health of your prostate.
The questionnaire was approved by the World Health Organization (WHO), find out the condition of your prostate and how to act.
Using the measuring cup, and these applications can be done at home by yourself measuring urine flow rate and how is your prostate enlarged. Using the obtained results, your doctor or pharmacist able to give a first assessment of prostate problems.
With the help of the log prostate health can also watch over a longer period and, if necessary, seek professional help.
Here you'll find in-depth information about health.
Pharmacies and specialized stores
With the help of a search engine can always find your local pharmacy or a specialized shop, where you will find high quality advice. In the initial stage of growth can be benign enlarged prostate is very easy to refine.
The aim and purpose of applications
The prostate is a chestnut-size body that surrounds the urethra. Being located directly below the bladder, also called the prostate. Enlargement of the prostate can be due to hormonal changes gradually begins to emerge already at 40 years.
Benign prostatic hyperplasia affects nearly half of men over 50 year. For 50 years, the problem almost half of men between 60 and 70 year, but has problems with benign enlargement of the prostate even 75% of all men.
This version of Prostasan Android App comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.
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