Stability fixes and optimization.
Meet like minded people anonymously. That's what Psst! is all about. Connecting through great anonymous content and conversations.
Be a part of an anonymous social network like no other. Share news, opinions, secrets, confessionals, daily life experiences, funny jokes and photos openly, secretly, confidently and anonymously with a community genuinely interested in what you have to say.
Vote, comment and private (anonymous) message others without revealing your true secret identity. When you're ready and feel the connection, add them as a friend.
Only people whom you've added as friends can IM photos. So you won't get random photos like other apps.
Secretly follow the posts you find interesting and receive notifications when that person posts again. But you never know who you're following and they don't know you're following them!
Share your favorite posts to other apps without the person's identity.
Psst's private anonymous messaging system leaves no history and no traces. Set your timer from 0 to 30 seconds. That means there is NO SENT or RECEIVED MESSAGE HISTORY. EVERYTHING GETS DELETED IMMEDIATELY, on the server and on the device.
Everything on the Psst app is temporary, the way an anonymous secret apps should be. No Screenshots, encrypted, no logs anywhere and delete forever.
Although we allow registration using social platforms such as Facebook and Twitter, we do not use your social data in any way without prior consent. Your email is only used for forgot password and you will not receive spam from us. You may in the future receive service or account status updates relating to your account only.
Posts on Psst stay active for 48 hours then disappear forever.
We love to hear from you so don't be shy and send us feedback and suggestions to help improve the app:
Twitter: @getpsst
This version of Psst! Anonymous Android App comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.
If you are looking to download other versions of Psst! Anonymous Android App, We have 10 versions in our database. Please select one of them below to download.