General stability improvements
QuiCon helps you to find out products of the stores around you in a simple and convenient way. By downloading the app, you will receive all the information, promotions and events of the stores that use QuiCon technology.
Based on your location, you can receive all the contents that are closer to you and you can scroll the list of stores that use QuiCon. Is it fun if you not share? With QuiCon you can share on social networks all the contents you receive and let your friends known your wish list.
Entering into stores you will receive a welcome message with the best offers. Thanks to QuiCon you can also enjoy special discounts through exclusive coupon.
1. Activate the Bluetooth at the store entrance
2. Allow the geolocation
3. The App requires connectivity
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What's New in Version 2.0
Fully new and interactive App.
The interface has been graphically improved with a "material" design. Thanks the new and exclusive section "Around you", you can view the contents according to the distance from them.
The contents (promotions, events, information) have the opportunity to get more photographs and there is the possibility to insert exciting video.
"Store" section is completely new with the inclusion of promotions in foreground and a button for the map navigation.
Thanks to geolocation via GPS, promotions and stores will be displayed even if the Bluetooth is off and there are no beacons close to you.
This version of QuiCon Android App comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.
If you are looking to download other versions of QuiCon Android App, We have 10 versions in our database. Please select one of them below to download.