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Radio Manele Online 1.7 APK Download for Android
Radio Manele Online 1.7 Icon

Radio Manele Online

CJ App Media Music & Audio
146 Ratings
Sep 05, 2016
release date
9.5 MB
file size

What's New

Au fost fixate erorile la posturile de radio manele care nu functionau,au fost scoase de tot din aplicatie, radio-urile care au disparut intre timp(le vom adauga inapoi daca vor mai functiona) si au fost adaugate noi posturi de radio manele online.

About Radio Manele Online Android App

Pentru toti iubitorii de manele,atat din Romania cat si din afara tarii,de la realizatorii aplicatiei "Radio Manele", la rugamintile si sugestiile dvs. am realizat "Radio Manele Online",o noua aplicatie care cuprinde cea mai mare lista de radiouri cu manele de pe net !

Datorita aplicatiei "Radio Manele", manelele se asculta in toata lumea.Enumeram aici : Italia,Spania,Germania
(prezenta romaneasca masiva),dar si din locatii exotice: Singapore,Sri Lanka,etc.

Acum puteti asculta orice post manele din Romania,cu ultimele noutati in materie,fara a mai fi nevoiti sa descarcati alte aplicatii cu acelasi specific.Pe langa manele, unele din aceste posturi radio online mai transmit muzica populara,de chef si petrecere,etno sau muzica lautareasca,iar la cele care transmit manele live,puteti face dedicatii celor dragi.

Aveti aici lista completa cu cele ~ 100 radio-uri manele online:

- Back-up
- FanFM Romania
- FlyFM Manele
- Independence Manele
- Manele Kiss
- Radio 1 Manele Romania
- Radio 247 FM
- Radio 7 Kiss
- Radio Addo Romania
- Radio Alyna
- Radio Amicii Tai
- Radio Amore Mio
- Radio AMMA MaNeLe Romania
- Radio Amor Manele Romania
- Radio Bairam Manele
- Radio Balkani Manele
- Radio Berlinmanele
- Radio Brunetzika
- Radio Caramel
- Radio Celia
- Radio ColonyFM Romania
- Radio Cool Romania
- Radio Copilu Mik
- Radio Craiova Manele
- Radio crazy
- Radio D&G Romania
- Radio Eclipsse
- Radio Edit 2014
- Radio Efect Manele Romania
- Radio EILA Manele
- Radio Expert Manele Romania
- Radio Fan 88 FM
- Radio Fan Manele 93,1 FM Bucuresti
- Radio Fan Romania
- Radio Fany dot com
- Radio Fiesta Official Manele
- Radio FiiCool Romania
- Radio France Manele
- Radio Fun Manele
- Radio Fundulea Live
- Radio Funky Manele Romania
- Radio Gangsta Manele Romania
- Radio HiT Manele Romania
- Radio HitFM Romania
- Radio Impact MaNeLe ROMANIA
- Radio Inferno Manele
- Radio Intens Romania
- Radio Iubirea 2014
- Radio Kiss Manele
- Radio Klass Romania-Manele
- Radio Lautaru Manele
- Radio Live Manele
- Radio M-Power Manele Romania
- Radio M4U Manele
- Radio Manale | Radio Shant
- Radio Manele BeST Online
- Radio Manele FM
- Radio Manele FM Romania
- Radio MegaKiss
- RAdio Nebunatiki
- Radio NeBunYa Manele
- Radio NightGames
- Radio On Style
- Radio On The-Mix Romania
- Radio Onix
- Radio Party FM
- Radio Party Manele
- Radio Petrecaretzu
- Radio Pro Manele Romania
- Radio PRO-HIT
- Radio RedGame
- Radio Remix Manele
- Radio Romanian Manele
- Radio Spiros Manele
- Radio Star DJ Manele
- Radio Star U.S.A.
- Radio Sultan Music
- Radio Taraf Manele Romania
- Radio Tequila Manele
- Radio Traditional Manele
- Radio Unik FM
- Radio Veve Manele
- Radio VIP Fm 107.7 Zaragoza
- Radio VIP Manele
- Radio Vitan Manele
- Radio X Net Manele Romania
- RadioCox Online Romania
- RadioFresh Manele
- RadioMixRomania2014
- RadioNadin1
- RadioSky
- Radyo Amicii 2009
- Radyo Club


1.Aceasta aplicatie preia stream-urile de radio manele, GRATUITE de pe NET, NU NE ASUMAM RESPONSABILITATEA PENTRU CALITATEA sau CONTINUTUL LOR!

2.Calitatea transmisiei sau timpul de incarcare necesar fiecarui stream, depinde de tipul conexiunii
dvs. la internet,cu cat aveti o conexiune de net mai buna cu atat aplicatia se va conecta mai repede la
posturile de radio manele iar calitatea sunetului va fi cu atat mai buna.

Daca descoperiti posturi de radio care nu functioneaza va rugam sa ne semnalati din pagina de contact a aplicatiei problema,pentru remediere.

Daca va place aplicatia noastra,va anuntam ca echipa de la "CJ APP Media" a mai realizat pana in acest moment,inca 3 aplicatii cu specific radio:
- "Radio Manele"(cele mai importante posturi de manele online)
- "Radio Muzica Populara Romaneasca" (posturile de radio cu specific muzica populara romaneasca)
- "Radio RAP and Hip-Hop" (posturile de radio din toata lumea cu specific hip hop si rap)

... si pregatim noi aplicatii de tip radio stream pentru toate genurile muzicale !

Stati pe aproape ! Speram sa va placa !!!For all lovers of songs, both in Romania and abroad, from the makers of the "Radio Manele" to the pleas and suggestions we made "Radio Manele Online", a new application that has the largest list of radios manele on the net!

Because of the "Radio Manele" Gipsy music listening throughout lumea.Enumeram here: Italy, Spain, Germany
(This massive Romanian), and the exotic locations: Singapore, Sri Lanka, etc..

Now you can listen to any post manele from Romania, with the latest news in the field, without the need to download other applications besides specific.Pe same songs, some of these online radio stations still transmit folk music and spending binge, ethnic or folk music and those that transmit manele live, you can make dedications to loved ones.

Here is the complete list of the ~ 100 radio manele online sites:

- Back-up
- FanFM Romania
- FlyFM Manele
- Independence Manele
- Manele Kiss
- Radio 1 Manele Romania
- Radio 247 FM
- Radio 7 Kiss
- Radio Addo Romania
- Radio Alyna
- Radio buddies
- Radio Amore Mio
- Radio AMMA MaNeLe Romania
- Radio Amor Manele Romania
- Radio Manele Bairam
- Radio Manele Balkans
- Radio Berlinmanele
- Radio Brunetzika
- Radio Caramel
- Radio Celia
- Radio ColonyFM Romania
- Cool Radio Romania
- Radio Baby Mik
- Radio Manele Craiova
- Radio Crazy
- D & G Radio Romania
- Radio eclipse
- Radio Edit 2014
- Effect Radio Manele Romania
- Radio Manele EILA
- Expert Radio Manele Romania
- Radio FM 88 Fan
- FM 93.1 Radio Manele Fan Bucharest
- Fan Radio Romania
- Fany Radio dot com
- Official Fiesta Radio Manele
- Radio FiiCool Romania
- Radio France Manele
- Fun Radio Manele
- Radio Live Fundulea
- Funky Radio Manele Romania
- Gangsta Radio Manele Romania
- Radio HiT Romania Manele
- Radio HitFM Romania
- Impact Radio MaNeLe ROMANIA
- Inferno Radio Manele
- Intense Radio Romania
- Radio Love 2014
- Radio Kiss Manele
- Klass Radio Manele Romania-
- Radio Manele Lautaru
- Live Radio Manele
- M-Power Radio Manele Romania
- M4U Radio Manele
- Radio Mana | Radio Shant
- Best Online Radio Manele
- FM Radio Manele
- FM Radio Manele Romania
- Radio MegaKiss
- RAdio nebunatika
- Radio Manele NeBunYa
- Radio NightGames
- Radio On Style
- On The Radio-Mix Romania
- Radio Onix
- FM Radio Party
- Radio Party Manele
- Radio Petrecaretzu
- Radio Pro Manele Romania
- Radio PRO-HIT
- Radio RedGame
- Radio Manele Remix
- Romanian Radio Manele
- Spiros Radio Manele
- Radio Star DJ Manele
- Radio Star U.S.A.
- Radio Sultan Music
- Radio Taraf Manele Romania
- Tequila Radio Manele
- Traditional Radio Manele
- Radio FM Unik
- Radio Manele Veve
- VIP Radio 107.7 FM Zaragoza
- VIP Radio Manele
- Radio Manele Vitan
- X Net Radio Manele Romania
- RadioCox Online Romania
- RadioFresh Manele
- RadioMixRomania2014
- RadioNadin1
- RadioSky
- Radyo Buddies 2009
- Radyo Club


1.This app streams take radio songs, free on NET, we take responsibility for QUALITY or their content!

2.Calitatea transmission or time required for each stream, depending on connection type
Your internet, the more you have a good net connection even faster application will connect to
radio manele and the sound quality will be the better.

If you find radio stations that do not work please notify us on the contact page of the application problem to fix.

If you like our app, you know that the team at "CJ APP Media" has done until now, 3 more radio specific applications:
- "Radio Manele" (the most important positions manele online)
- "Romanian Folk Music Radio" (specific radio Romanian folk music)
- "Radio RAP and Hip-Hop" (radio stations worldwide with hip hop and rap specific)

Ready ... and new applications of radio streams for all kinds of music!

Stay close! We hope you enjoy!

Other Information:

Requires Android:
Android 4.0.3+ (Ice Cream Sandwich MR1, API 15)
Other Sources:


This version of Radio Manele Online Android App comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.

(Sep 05, 2016)
Minimum OS
Android 4.0.3+ (Ice Cream Sandwich MR1, API 15)
Screen DPI

Warning: Undefined array key "dp" in /home/apkapps/web/jetapk.com/public_html/template/PageApp.php on line 222
nodpi (all screens)

All Versions

If you are looking to download other versions of Radio Manele Online Android App, We have 3 versions in our database. Please select one of them below to download.
