- Rofr is back with brand new offers!
- Get exclusive deals at HyperCity Malad & Keys Hotels Mumbai
- View all offers sorted by your current location
- Place orders directly from app and avail coupon codes
- Update UI
- Bluetooth bug fix
Rofr finds you the best deals from places near you.
Rofr is place to find exclusive offers and discounts at malls, hypermarkets, shopping outlets, specialty stores, restaurants, hotels and events near you!
Rofr finds you exclusive deals and offers from places near you without downloading any app on your smartphone.
Rofr uses Google chrome feature physical web beacon technology to get you the best deals.
Use Rofr to get exclusive offers and discounts at HyperCity Malad Mumbai and Keys Nestor Hotel Mumbai! Experience smarter hotel stays at Keys Nestor and avail exclusive discounts at HyperCity with Rofr.
This version of Rofr Deals from place near you Android App comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.
If you are looking to download other versions of Rofr Deals from place near you Android App, We have 2 versions in our database. Please select one of them below to download.