Get the luxury rose clock themes , the wallpaper of glitter roses leaf and the pink diamond gold icons pack . Beautiful golden watch hd themes has classic business roses leaves wallpapers and beautiful diamond shining lock screen clock skin .
We have designed special glittering diamond rose style clock theme icon pack for all apps and 56 special icons for popular apps . Almost all apps wrapped in luxurious clock theme icon . Quickly use this luxury pink gold diamond wallpapers theme, turned the trend of people !
We have been compatible with Samsung \ Sony \ Huawei \ Microsoft and so the vast majority of Andrews mobile phone, come join us ! This pink golden diamond style clock hd themes has the following features : luxurious deluxe wallpaper to make it super beautiful on android screen , glitter diamond lwp with 3D dynamic screen effect on pink silver background , Special rose love diamond weather widget decorated with powerful butterfly image , support DIY wallpaper and diy photo lock screen clock theme in theme center 3d dynamic launcher home to make android phone full of glitter rose leaves .
☆ Please read before installing the rose love clock theme deluxe .
This pink gold diamond luxury phone themes is not app lock screen theme or a pink emoji keyboard theme.
You need to install CM Launcher to use the theme.
To use this car theme you need to install cm launcher and it doesn’t support other lauchers.
You need to click the “apply” button to start the theme.
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This version of Rose Love Clock Theme Android App comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.
If you are looking to download other versions of Rose Love Clock Theme Android App, We have 2 versions in our database. Please select one of them below to download.