Impartimos todas las modalidades: Clásico, danza española, funky, salsa, bachata, bailes de salón, zumba, capoeira, tai chi, yoga, pilates y mucho más!
Si quieres pasar un rato divertido y desconectar de la rutina del trabajo, este es tu sitio, te reirás como nunca... está demostrado!! Prueba una de nuestras clases de baile sin ningún compromiso!!! Te gustará seguro!!
Y si lo que quieres es disciplina, también tenemos clases para niños y adultos de clásico, flamenco, contemporáneo, jazz, equilibrio vertical, acrosport...y muchas cosas más!!!
Pregunta por algún tipo de baile que quieras realizar, que probablemente lo tengamos!!
Y si lo que quieres es encontrarte con tu mente y relajarte también tenemos yoga, taichi...
Pregunta lo que quieras y prueba lo que quieras!!!! We provide all types: Classic, Spanish dance, funk, salsa, bachata, ballroom dancing, zumba, capoeira, tai chi, yoga, pilates and more!
If you want to have some fun and get away from the routine of work, this is your place, you will laugh like never ... it is shown !! Try one of our dance classes without any commitment !!! You'll like it for sure !!
And if what you want is discipline, we also have classes for children and adults of classical, flamenco, contemporary, jazz, vertical equilibrium, acrosport ... and much more !!!
Ask for some kind of dance that you want to achieve, you probably have it !!
And if you want to meet your mind and relax also have yoga, tai chi ...
Ask what you want and try whatever you want !!!!
This version of Sandra Vega Android App comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.
If you are looking to download other versions of Sandra Vega Android App, We have 1 version in our database. Please select one of them below to download.