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Oct 18, 2017
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SENAM HAMIL PRAKTIS Aplikasi Panduan Senam Praktis Ringan & Mudah Bagi Ibu Hamil.

Selama proses kehamilan, tubuh ibu hamil mengalami banyak perubahan. Tak hanya perubahan tubuh, ibu hamil pasti juga sering mengalami berbagai keluhan seperti pegal-pegal, sakit kepala dan mudah letih.

Salah satu cara untuk mengatasi berbagai keluhan adalah senam hamil. Senam hamil dapat dijadikan terapi gerak yang diberikan pada ibu hamil untuk mempersiapkan diri secara fisik dan mental menjelang persalinan yang cepat, aman, dan spontan.

Mengapa perlu dilakukan senam hamil?

Dilihat lebih jauh, ternyata senam hamil juga sangat bermanfaat lho, Bu, antara lain :

Memelihara fungsi kaki ibu hamil ketika berat badan semakin meningkat. Rasa nyeri pada telapak kaki, varises, bengkak dan lain-lain dapat dicegah.
Memperkuat dan mempertahankan elastisitas otot-otot dinding perut, otot panggul dan otot paha bagian dalam, agar proses kontraksi dan relaksasi yang berhubungan dengan persalinan dapat dikuasai.
Membentuk sikap tubuh yang sempurna selama kehamilan. Sehingga ibu hamil dapat mengatasi keluhan yang muncul seperti sakit pinggang, sakit punggung dan kejang.
Mendukung ketenangan pikiran dan relaksasi tubuh. Relaksasi tubuh dan pikiran dibutuhkan selama kehamilan hingga proses persalinan agar ibu hamil terhindar dari stres.
Kapan sebaiknya dilakukan senam hamil?

Senam hamil sebaiknya dilakukan setelah kehamilan mencapai 22 minggu atau sekitar 5 bulan. Karena sebelum usia kandungan menginjak 3 bulan pelekatan janin di dalam rahim belum terlalu kuat.

Bagaimana gerakan senam hamil praktis dan mudah di rumah?

Duduklah dengan bahu tetap bersandar. Kemudian, genggam tangan dan menekuk jari-jari tangan selama 10 detik.

Duduklah dengan bahu tetap bersandar. Tekuk jari-jari kaki selama 10 detik, lepaskan. Atau bisa juga menggunakan alat seperti kayu bergerigi sebagai alat bantu memijat bagian telapak kaki (lakukan selama 10 detik).

Atur pernapasan.
Melalui perut
Gunakan matras, posisi badan telentang, letakkan kedua tangan di atas perut. Tarik napas dalam-dalam dengan menarik perut, kemudian buang napas melalui meulut secara perlahan dengan mengempiskan perut. Lakukan secara berulang.

Melalui dada
Gunakan matras, posisi badan telentang, letakkan kedua telapak tangan ke samping dada. Tarik napas dalam-dalam dengan mengembangkan dada kemudian buang napas tersebut melalui mulut secara perlahan dengan mengecilkan dada.

Pernapasan panting (pernapasan pendek-pendek)
Keluarkan napas pendek atau setengah jarak napas dengan mulut terbuka, lalu tarik napas pendek dengan mulut terbuka sehingga irama pernapasan menjadi lebih cepat. Teknik ini berguna untuk menghemat tenaga ketika proses pembukaan belum lengkap.

Semoga dengan melakukan senam hamil secara teratur ibu hamil dapat menikmati masa indahnya kehamilan hingga proses persalinan dengan lebih rileks dan percaya diri.

Semoga Aplikasi ini bermanfaat.

-aplikasi ofline, bisa di buka meski tanpa internet
-ukuran aplikasi kecil, jadi tidak memakan kuota
-mudah dipahami
-mudah di ingat dan dibawa-bawa

*update akan dilakukan sesuai dengan permintaan member

sumber gambar merupakan diambil tersebar di seluruh pencarian. Jika anda adalah pemegang hak kekayaan intelektual gambar, silahkan kirimkan email pemberitahuan. Kami akan sebisa mungkin untuk cepat mengganti gambar tersebut. PRACTICAL PREGNANT Gymnastics Gymnastics Practical Application Guide Light & Easy For Pregnant Women.

During pregnancy, the pregnant woman's body undergoes many changes. Not only changes in the body, pregnant women must have also often subjected to various complaints such as fatigue, headache and easy fatigue.

One way to overcome the complaint is pregnancy exercise. Pregnancy exercise can be used as a motion therapy given to pregnant women to prepare themselves physically and mentally before delivery fast, secure, and spontaneous.

Why pregnancy exercise needs to be done?

 Seen further, it is also very beneficial pregnancy exercise you know, ma'am, among others:

Maintaining the function of the foot when weight pregnant women is increasing. Pain in the feet, varicose veins, swelling and others can be prevented.
Strengthen and maintain the elasticity of the abdominal wall muscles, pelvic muscles and inner thigh muscles, so that the process of contraction and relaxation associated with childbirth can be mastered.
Forming a perfect posture during pregnancy. So that pregnant women can control the symptoms appear such as back pain, back pain and spasms.
Supporting peace of mind and body relaxation. Relaxation of body and mind needed during pregnancy to childbirth that pregnant women avoid stress.
When should a pregnancy exercise do?

Pregnancy exercise should be done after the pregnancy reaches 22 weeks, or about 5 months. Because before the age of 3 months sticking stepping womb fetus in the womb is not too strong.

How the movement is practical and easy pregnancy exercise at home?

Sit with your shoulders rests. Then, hold hands and bend the fingers for 10 seconds.

Sit with your shoulders rests. Bend your toes for 10 seconds, release. Or you can also use tools such as jagged wood as a tool to massage the soles of the feet (done for 10 seconds).

Set breathing.
through the stomach
Use mattress, supine body position, put both hands on her stomach. Inhale deeply by pulling the abdomen, then exhale slowly through meulut with belly deflates. Do it repeatedly.

through chest
Use mattress, supine body position, put both hands to the side of the chest. Inhale deeply by developing the chest and then exhale slowly through your mouth to shrink the chest.

Panting breathing (shallow breathing)
Exhale short or half the distance of breath with his mouth open, then inhale short with his mouth open so that the respiratory rhythm becomes faster. This technique is useful to save power when the opening process is not yet complete.

Hopefully by doing pregnancy exercise regularly pregnant women can enjoy the beauty of pregnancy until the birth process with a more relaxed and confident.

Hopefully this app useful.

ofline-application, can be opened even without internet
-size small applications, so do not take up quota
-easy to understand
-easy to remember and carry

* Update will be carried out in accordance with the request members

source image is taken scattered throughout the search. If you are the holder of the intellectual property rights of images, please send an email notification. We will as much as possible to quickly change the image.

Other Information:

Package Name:
Requires Android:
Android 4.0 and up
Other Sources:


This version of SENAM HAMIL PRAKTIS Android App comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.

(Oct 18, 2017)
Minimum OS
Android 4.0 and up
Screen DPI
nodpi (all screens)

All Versions

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