Buku teks ″Sistem Operasi ″ ini disusun berdasarkan tuntutan paradigma pengajaran dan pembelajaran kurikulum 2013 diselaraskan berdasarkan pendekatan model pembelajaran yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan belajar kurikulum abad 21, yaitu pendekatan model pembelajaran berbasis peningkatan keterampilan proses sains.
Penyajian buku teks untuk Mata Pelajaran ″ Sistem Operasi ″ ini disusun dengan tujuan agar supaya peserta didik dapat melakukan proses pencarian pengetahuan berkenaan dengan materi pelajaran melalui berbagai aktivitas proses sains sebagaimana dilakukan oleh para ilmuwan dalam melakukan eksperimen ilmiah (penerapan scientifik), dengan demikian peserta didik diarahkan untuk menemukan sendiri berbagai fakta, membangun konsep, dan nilai-nilai baru secara mandiri.Textbook "Operating System" is based on the demands of the paradigm of teaching and learning curriculum 2013 harmonized approach based learning model that fits the needs of 21st century learning curriculum, the approach based learning science process skills upgrading.
Presentation of textbooks for the Subject "Operating System" was developed with the goal in order that learners can perform the search process knowledge with respect to the subject matter through the various activities of the process of science as done by scientists in conducting scientific experiments (application scientifik), thus learners directed to find yourself the facts, concepts, and new values independently.
This version of SISTEM OPERASI KELAS X Android App comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.
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